What do yous make of the smoking ban ?!

Question: It should never have happened. Every business in the country was within their rights to declare a premises (whether it be a pub, nightclub, warehouse or shop) non smoking, it didn't need the government to step in and decide what was right or wrong.
It's just another decision made by politicians that don't affect them in any way.

edit: passive smoking? unsubstantiated horseshit.

Answers: It should never have happened. Every business in the country was within their rights to declare a premises (whether it be a pub, nightclub, warehouse or shop) non smoking, it didn't need the government to step in and decide what was right or wrong.
It's just another decision made by politicians that don't affect them in any way.

edit: passive smoking? unsubstantiated horseshit.

i think its great, it is about time.

Love it...cant get enough of it.

I smoke and i think its great...i smoke a lot less when i'm out now. I'm giving up so this will make it a lot easier....only thing is most of the craic is outside!!...shame......

love it. i dont care if businesses are suffering. i can now choose if i inhale smoke a right i should have always had.

going out is now more enjoyable

I love it, because I don't smoke. :-)

I'd rather sing when bored! la la la la la la la!

Should have happened years ago!

i smoke and i think its fab, 1st of all i don't smoke as much as i used and 2nd you get to socialisze witht the other smokers. i didn't really know how friendly ppl are

it's cut me down from 60 a day to less than 10 so I think it's brill. I have imposed it in my house too after redecorating. I wanted my ceiling to stay white for a change

I think its ******* stupid

this country is going down the pan

I gave up (with patches) in anticipation of its arrival!.
been free of the noxious weed for over a year now!
My Daughter and I stopped smoking indoors 12 years ago!
I try not to be one of those "ex-smokers are the worst", but have found that it really does make you stink! Yuk!

its a good idea although they should of put it into action sooner

My area has been under public smoking ban since 2000. At first, people complained ( a lot) and some still do but for the most part it's calmed down a lot. I like it. Even as a smoker, I never like smoking indoors. Too much smoke clouds the room, makes it hard to breathe and hurts your eyes. Even now, when at someone's house who smokes indoors, I always go outside because I can't stand smoking inside. In a restaurant, it's definitely better! You can actually taste all the flavours in the food and you don't have to worry about your children's health. I don't go to clubs or bars all that much but the few times I have been out I have found that most places have built areas with heaters and had them licensed so you can take your drink with you while you smoke.

So all in all, I think it's great. It protects the general population from the dangers of second-hand smoke and makes going out nicer in general.

Personally, I think the bar owners ought to be able to choose whether their estabishment allows or doesn't allow smoking. As dumb as I think smoking is, I don't think that forcing smokers to stand outside in sub-zero weather to get their "fix" is moral.

Of course, I will only go to the non-smoking clubs.

When I quit smoking years ago, I would always fail because when I went out with friends the smoke in the room made me crave cigarettes. I wish non-smoking clubs were around back then.

Sorry, I think it's great ! I have asthma and am HIGHLY allergic to cigarette smoke. People don't understand sometimes when you politely ask them to please not to smoke it is not a issue of choice but of life and death. Certain brands seem to effect more than others. Something added to them I guess. Some people are very RUDE and don't understand and will get in your face and say well I have the right to do what I want! Well yes but I have the right to live and breathe also. Sorry, but I like the ban.But I'm not rude when asking.

It really should have happened years ago, I know you are denied the pleasure of lighting up when you want, but you are not missing anything there. There is usually smokers own little party outside! Also, it is not fair to the employees who have to stand in it for eight hours a night. I regret all that lost oxygen i have had over the years, standing in smoky bars. I do not want to inhale a 100 cigarettes. Oh, did I mention? I am a smoker.

best thing ever. i love going out to eat and not having to second hand smoke 5 cigs. and i like going to my neighborhood pub and not smelling like an ashtray.

it sucks! and i am so pleased for all the happy non-smokers. shall we all give up our filthy habit, then you can pay alot more income tax to make up for the tax the government will lose! but then you will have more money, as you can't go out and spend, because all the pubs have gone out of business! oh well i will just have to stand outside nightclubs getting abuse from drunks as they are trashing the town, but hey that's o.k because getting p*****d and beating people up is good for the country, eh!

didn't happen soon enough.

hey, the more laws we make, the less likely we will all be able to abide all of them and then we will all be criminals!

Go liberals!

Smoking hasn't been allowed in public places around here for many years and I love it!! It started back when I still smoked and I think it helped me quit.

Brilliant - now we don't have to breathe second-hand smoke when out for a meal.

I don't - smoke but the ban is WRONG.

It has emptied the pubs and has taken away our rights.
They smell of B.O. and pee.

I only go to a decent place for a meal.


it should be down to choice.they should make smoke free pubs,clubs and restaurants etc and there should be smoking ones so people can choose where they want to be.what happened to a free country.we are only free to do as we are told.

love it. who wants to stink of ciggaretes? plus the reduced rate of taking in someones smoke is excellent for health.

give up then u wont have to stand outside and get some longer shorts or trousers doh

As a smoker myself I thought it might be a pain in the bum but it's not that bad, I myself find that us smokers talk and have a laugh outside the boozer also I smoke less which is better for me and my pocket. The only time I miss a smoke is when I go to football.

I agree good point

It's great! I hate smoke. I don't smoke and don't want to be around smokers so it works great for me. I sure don't like smelling like an ashtray because I've been around a smoker. It's about time! Now I love to go out. Plus nobody burns you with their damn cigarettes as you're walking by them. I'm glad the law changed everything. Smoking is so unhealthy and I shouldn't have to be subjected to someone's gross habits.


I am not fond of the idea as i h ad only just turned 18 and was able to go down the pub i was looking forward to smoking, drinking and watching the football.

There were always no smoking pubs before the ban so people who don't smoke always had the choice, and as for the health of England i have asthma and smoke so two fingers to the government!

I hear ya! It's the mentality of the few that is dictating the moral's of the many.
I'd be willing to bet that 80-90% of people that go to bars SMOKE! It's just that we aren't the ones out "voting" so therefore the non-smokers are getting selfish laws passed.

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