For someone who's not an alcoholic, should giving up drinking be easy?!

Question: I'm thinking I may have to give up drinking if I go on certain medications that may help me. Should this be relatively easy if I'm not an alcoholic (which I'm not sure of, and perhaps this would be an indicator)?

Answers: I'm thinking I may have to give up drinking if I go on certain medications that may help me. Should this be relatively easy if I'm not an alcoholic (which I'm not sure of, and perhaps this would be an indicator)?

For someone who doesn't speak french, is it easy for them to not speak it? If you aren't an alcoholic, there shouldn't be a problem with not drinking. I am not addicted to pot. I haven't smoked it all my life. If someone asked me to not smoke it, its not a problem. If you need to stop drinking to safely take medicine, is it a problem? If you can't stop, then you have a problem. Now is the time to seek help if you need it.

As for deb, you realize that is bull crap. Medicine isn't out of your system in just a couple hours. If it was, he would need to take another dose in the evening to carry him through the night. I can't think of a single medicine where you want the effects for only some of the hours each day. If you need the medicine, you need the medicine.

Good luck to you both.

It can be difficult to give up anything you are accustomed to. It doesn't necessarily mean you are addicted. (Think of how difficult dieting is).

If you frequently spend time with friends who drink, that will probably be when it is most difficult.

if ur just a social drinker and dont drink all that much then it shouldnt be hard at all.It all depends how much you drink a day/week/month.


Very individual question, depends on your will power and how much and how often you are accustomed to having a drink. Kudos to you and good luck.

It might be, depends mosky for you on the social group you assert yourself with. The most difficult part will be the soical aspect because you are not an alcoholic. If you do not hang with that type of crowd it should be easy

bummer no it should be easy just set your mind to it, and tell yourself its for your own husband takes heart pills i told him hes not suppose to drink,he said he takes it in the morning,so its wore off in the evening that's his story

anyone who isn't an alcoholic should be able to give up drinking for two weeks voluntarily.

If you need to ask that question you probably are an alchoholic. Don't worry, there is a way back. I know, I've been there. Until you admit it you will never sort it out. Best of luck,

An alchoholic is someone who cannot drink without getting drunk (i.e. if they have one beer, they will continue until all the drinks are gone, they may then go to the bar and stay til it closes). They can't go to the bar and leave after one or two drinks - ever.

You can have a habit of drinking, not be an alcholic, and find it awkard to go a while without a drink. You can also be an alcoholic and not drink anything easily for 2 or 3 weeks or longer. The difference is, if you're NOT an alcoholic, the next time you have a drink, you might just have one single drink. The next time an alcoholic drinks, they'll get drunk.

It's not about how much or how regularly you drink, its whether or not you can have one or two drinks and stop yourself...

I wouldn't be worried if you find it difficult to go without for a while. Maybe it's your habit or routine, or you just might really enjoy whisky, wine, etc... You may have a problem though, if you get drunk every time you drink.

You are not an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings. You are a drunk. It should be easy if you really are not a drunk.

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