I can't understand why people drink alchohol !?!

Question: Hi I'm 14 and I can't understand why anyone would want to drink.I am never going to drink. Its so stupid. Think of all the liver problems you can get. I think that people who drink have a lack of confidence because they aren't able to be themselves or have a good time without drinking. Does anone else feel the same way as me ?

Answers: Hi I'm 14 and I can't understand why anyone would want to drink.I am never going to drink. Its so stupid. Think of all the liver problems you can get. I think that people who drink have a lack of confidence because they aren't able to be themselves or have a good time without drinking. Does anone else feel the same way as me ?

I think that's a great and respect-worthy attitude for you to have. Stick to your guns and don't let anyone ever pressure you into changing your mind!


In my own case, I actually like the taste of alcohol, particularly beer and whiskey. Aside from this, I'm deeply involved in the craft beer movement, which brings me into contact with new places and people when I visit the craft brewers and bars in my area.

Give it time. Once responsibility and life kicks in, you will know why people drink. =)

You are absolutely right but there is the flip side of the story. Some will drink to be accepted while others suffer mental illness of addiction. Alchoholic drinks has thousands of varity and some actually taste good believe it or not. Personally I don't drink to get drunk but rather enjoy the warm, lazy and relaxed feeling when I am happy and never exceed 1 or 2 servings. That ensures the minimal toxic effect.


people drink for many reasons, many have personal issues that they are trying to exscape from. also, having a glass of wine with dinner really enhanses the taist and mood. i love haing a good glass of wine every once in a while. think of it as chocolate for adults lol. also you should take into consideration that manyp eople can havea beer or two or a glass of wine and not be irrespncible. also, just becauase you have one beer or one glass of wine doesnt mean you will end up with a liver desease or getting drunk and killing some one. for responcible adults, drinking isnt about getting drunk (usually) but about enjoy a nice drink while enjoying a great time. but i think its marvelous that you dont want to drink, although on your 21first birthday i would encurage you to go out and just see what its like. you dont haev to get trashed and you dont have to have a hang over. i had a very nice family dinner with my parents that was wonderful.

the reasons people drink are maybe they are depressed maybe they think it is cool but either way its nasty so is smoking it makes you stink


While I respect your decision not to drink and I understand all the health problems associated with drinking, you can not lump every person into the idea that all people who drink lack confidence or they aren't able to have a good time with out it.

I do drink once in a great while and why do I? Because I like the flavors. I don't drink to get drunk or to have a good time. I have a glass of wine once in awhile with dinner or after dinner while I am reading or watching t.v. I will have a beer once in a while when I want something kind of salty tasting. Mixed drinks I like certain liquers because of their taste.
Some taste like almonds but are warm, some like chocolate but smoother without the bitter taste. Others have their own taste.

But as far as confident most people that know me would tell you I haven't ever been afraid of anything. I have been known to go months without a drink and have a great time with my family, friends and co-workers.

So to put us all in the same group is wrong. You are right though there are hundreds of people who drink that have no confidence or want to make an impression with others. Still there are those who drink who do not really have a way to stop either physically or mentally they are so far gone that if they do the side effects could be devestating.

I encourage you to stay by your goals as you grow up. Just remember not to judge others because you may have a habit that is or could be just as distructive that they frown on.

good luck in life

you'll understand when you're 21 at 14 theres lots of stuff you dont understand

it's tasty. I only drink about 4 a year

You are very young and uninformed. Alcohol, like food, is one of life's pleasures. No one is saying you need to get falling down drunk, but you probably have yet to experience the pleasure of eating a fine meal with a first rate bottle of wine. You'll learn, keep an open mind. Alcohol is very enjoyable...moderation is the key to most things.

There are lots of reasons people drink. Once responsibltiy and things start happening in your life, i hope u have the same mind set. I think its ok to drink to relax. Some people drink toescape from reality which isnt good. when they become sober if they had any problems or issues to deal with it still would be there.

I don't know about your family background, but if there is a history of alcoholism, drinking is not worth the risk. There seems to be a strong genetic component to who becomes alcoholic. I wish this had been known when I was younger, I could have spared myself years of miserable alcoholism. Wish I had never touched it. I have been sober for a couple of years now, and never been happier. If you are not at risk, you are blessed, and may be able to enjoy responsible drinking when you are old enough. I am not a prohibitionist; I enjoyed drinking before the alcoholism took hold. I wish I could drink normally. But, FOR ME, it was not worth it.

Since you are only 14 you won't understand yet, but many people drink alcohol, especially wine and beer because they really love the taste. There are many many people who drink on occasion....those are the people who will have a glass or two with dinner, as wine often enhances the taste of foods. These people do not look to alcohol as a way to escape from their problems. They are typically health concious and use it in moderation, like many other foods and drinks.

And then there are the others who look to alcohol as an escape. Those people cannot go a day without it as it helps take away any reality, or pain that they are in. Many of them go on living this way for years only to find out they have done some type of damage to their body. This is the reason for Alcoholics Anonymous and other groups. Unfortunately alcoholism does not have a cure and many will go on this way rather than facing their problems.


when i was a freshman (14) i thought the exact same thing. I drank once with my friends to see what its all about. So much but too riskey to get caught. i only drink once every 2 months or so but i get real drunk like passing out. If your gonna drink under age just be responsible and dont get anyoen sick or in trouble and most of all do it in someones house

hell no

And *I* can't figure out why anyone of age would't drink alcohol, unless they have a problem.

Just because a 14 year old dubs it "so stupid", doesn't mean that it is.

I'm amazed that you know each and every drinker in the world well enough that you would label them all as having low self-esteem and boring. That's quite arrogant of you.

Wanna know how much I like alcohol? I go to Oktoberfest in Munich every year. There's nothing like a million people with no confidence who are unable to have a good time without alcohol in one place.

Whatever! Lets talk when I see you in a few years on the latest Girls Gone Wild Spring Break!.......LOL


Alcohol is a social lubricant. It allows people to interact with each other more easily in new situations or potentially uncomfortable situations.

I strongly agree. The people who don't agree are probably the ones who drink. Even if alcohol relaxes them, they have to have the knowledge and common sense to allow themselves to relax naturally and on their own. It's not hard. You are very smart. There are no gains from drinking only setbacks.

Oh yes, I understand your question!!
For instance, I don't understand why people drink water.

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