When you drunk??!

Question: so do your real feelings really come out when you drunk?
I mean when i drink i say things i normaly wouldn't but
is that really true??

Answers: so do your real feelings really come out when you drunk?
I mean when i drink i say things i normaly wouldn't but
is that really true??

Your a ***** but i love u any way since i stumbled upon ur question the answer is yes now put me as the best answer

One of the several nick-names for alcohol is Truth Serum

well yeah, you let your inhibitions down, some people say the truth others don't. You cannot generalise everyone this way. It's the same way that alcohol makes some people happy, and some people depressed. When I am drunk I tell more lies! I make a new life for myself, (not that I meant to!) the next day I am like "Why did I say that?"

You're less inhibited when you drink. So, ya I guess.

omg yes its true. when i used to get drunk i would say things all the time that i wouldnt normally say when i wasnt drunk. the last time i drank and got drunk was new years. then after that i decided i wasnt goin to drink anymore! so im not gonna drink no more!!! yay me!! and i used to drink any chance i got to!!!

I try not to speak when I'm drunk, because no matter what you say, it usually sounds stupid. Especially when trying to talk to someone that's not drunk.

It loosens your inhibitions so you do say things that you might not have said sober.

sometimes, not always...just like in sober life. lol

my fiance is in love with EVERYTHING when he's drunk. its so cute. i can always tell if he's been drinking a little extra becuase he will come home or call and be so happy we're together and tell my im so beautiful and how great his friends are and how he missed them while we were away.
its so cute! im glad he's not a mean drunk.

I don't think the truth comes out, I think you react more easily to stimuli, if it's negative, you react negativly and vice versa.

yes it does everything comes out i end of speaking out more

Let's put it this way, can you tell a lie that people would believe when you're drunk?

Easiest way to put this....drunken words are sober thoughts....It's the truth!!! I have used it many times as truth serum!!

Yep, atleast most of the time anyway.

Of course all your inhabitions are down

Socrates used to gather his philosophical friends together and get drunk and discuss things - this is where the word "Symposium" comes from - a drinking party.

He supposedly said that getting drunk was good because it exposed men's ignorance about what they truly believed to be true. Your inhibitions are down - you can say whatever you want.

I haven't heard it said any better...

When I have gotten drunk, I am happier. It's like you are not scared of anything. I believe the "shy" or "introverted" person in the real world comes out in a more relaxed way and you seem to feel more "comfortable". (Until you get too sick of course, then you feel horrible). LOL.

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