Have you ever experimented with drugs?!

Question: if so which ones?

i have experiemented with:

cocaine, ecstasy, pot, alcohol, nitrous, uppers, muscle relaxers, benzos, opiates and barbiturates

Answers: if so which ones?

i have experiemented with:

cocaine, ecstasy, pot, alcohol, nitrous, uppers, muscle relaxers, benzos, opiates and barbiturates

I've done everything on your list including injecting cocaine directly into a vein, LSD, Peyote, mushrooms, Chine White Heroin (on the list, I guess, you said opiates) as well as Oxycontin, Vicodin, Percodan, Codeine #4, Darvon/Darvocet, Seconol, Phenobarbital, Nembutal, Tuinal, (anything-at-all, LOL!) Valium, Xanax, Clonipin, Chloral (sic) Hydrate, Soma, Quaaludes, Hash, Hash Oil,


what do you mean by "experimented" ?

No never.

alcohol and its great!!!

wow no.. try experimenting with endorphins.. the natural kind from doing good things such as exercises!

Yes, just about all of them. The one conclusion I've come to is, they all suck and drain your money, make you anti-social, ruin relationships, etc. Gee, what fun!

besides alcohol wich is legal,

no coz im not an idiot.

jeez wat dyd ur parents teach yuu ?

u no its not gunna make you healthier so wat tha f are you doin all that for

I think you've past experimentation.

Wow, that's a lot. I wouldn't be too proud of that if I were you.

I tried pot once at a party and didn't like it. I never tried it again.

Yes and i still am......although ive done almost every drug.......cocain is defintily the drug of choice for me..im not proud of that and i wouldnt recommend anyone else trying either...word to the wise

whoa, dude, slow down. u dont need to experiment that much. it can really produce a lot of health problems for you later on. another thing, dont get addicted! dont mean to be a nag, but it'll really screw up the lives of everyone you know

Oh yeah. Those were the days, man. Although you've done far more than I did. Never did the needle thing (Very proud to say). Smoked some reefer, did some lines, took acid once (oof). Thats about it.

No, too busy making something of my life.


you mean you do drugs there is no experiment,Can you do a crap load of coke for us all and maybe ever do anything ever again,GET A LIFE

Your the man. Ive only experimented with crushed up viagra and to tell you the truth, it's not very useful, unless you really want an erection. Which i guess is the point, but i thought there was more to it. Good luck, champ.

nope and im never going to.
drugs are for LOSERS.!

no i have not
i dont try to ruin my life,
i dont try to be cool,
cuz i know im better than that
i hope you stop soon and get control of your life instead of cutting it short
i'll pray for you

Yes. I'm a recovering addict. If you havent done it, DONT! Its been a tough tough road!! And now, I will forever be a RECOVERING ADDICT! ....where 'ONE' is too many and a thousand is never enough!

25 years ago - coke (allergic), pot (allergic and painful!), uppers (from doc), benzo's (from doc), ... I'm not much fun am I? I tryed tea at the time - but I think it must have been angel dust or something - made me feel REALLY weird!

I have tried a few of them on your list...

weed and booze

pills and powders will **** your **** up, stay away.

I'm enjoying a vodka martini right now! Alcohol is my drug of choice, these days. I've never done anything with a needle, and, in general, I no longer use any other non-prescribed drugs (Not to say that if I were at a party and somebody passed me a joint I'd decline, but that hardly ever happens anymore).
My HS/College years were the 70s, though, so, yeah, I've tried a lot of stuff. Weed was cool, still no big deal. Coke is a long run for a short slide...Nature's way of saying you have too much disposable income. Psychedelics, like acid, mescaline, mushrooms, can be fun, for the experience, but for me not worth the candle. You'll feel the same way after you do a hit and spend two hours contemplating the wood grain on your desk. They can be eye openers, but once your eyes are open, you don't need them anymore.
Opium made me physically ill. Once was enough.

About all of them that you listed. I just warn to be careful with the benzo's. You don't want hooked on Xanax's and Valium's. You'll start forging scripts for crap ya never needed. Experimenting is fun and it is good for us all. We live in a chit world that we must escape from its reality now and then or we all go insane. Just do it smart and be careful

I tried pot once but I didn't inhale....

pot, gas. few pinga's here n there.
theres nothing wrong with experimenting!

I've only smoked weed and I used to drink alot before I turned 21. Other than that...I'll pass cause my job does random drug tests and I like being employed more than being high.

duod i am 47 a laft-over-hippy =man don't do that ,,,,,,pike one hopfly ti will be one that won't kill you??????/good luck

Yes I've experimented with a few on your list when I was "Young and Dumb", then I grew up and got over it.

i tried motrin, midol and advil

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