Why does my beer freeze ?!
Answers: if i leave a bud light bottle in the freezer for 15 minutes and then when i get it out and look at immediately to see if it teuned slushy but then i have it sit out for a minute max and it slowly turns to ice. what happends with the air and a cold bottle. i know its a scientific reason
the alcohol content is not that high
bud is 95% water (5% alcohol)
water freezes at 32 degrees, alcohol at -117 degrees, so beer freezes, but slower than plain water, hence the slush...
It's called supercooled nucleation. Simply put, The beer doesn't freeze because it's under pressure. If left undisturbed, itprobably wouldn't freeze for days. Once you move it, the CO2 gas gets knocked out of solution, forming bubbles. The beer freezes around these bubbles and starts a chain reaction.
You might have noticed that the beer starts freezing in circular blobs.
because it's in the freezer. that's what the freezer does. it freezes things. that's why they call it a freezer.
Because you leave it in the Freezer to long!