How to order a martini?!

Question: I always want to order a martini when I go out but I feel like an idot. I have no idea how to order it. Help!

Answers: I always want to order a martini when I go out but I feel like an idot. I have no idea how to order it. Help!

A traditional Martini is Gin and Dry Vermouth

on the rocks (over ice) or

up (chilled in a cocktail shaker with ice then strained into a chilled glass.)

both are garnished with an olive.

So you would order :
"I would like a Martini up."
"I would like a Martini on the rocks."

However they are an acquired taste. Bars have all kinds of "Martinis". I worked at a restaurant that called them "Funtinis". Basically they are a liquor with a dash of some sort of flavoring. Could be a liquors or juice served up or on the rocks with a garnish that complments the liquor. Check the bar or restaurant's bar menu . Lots feature "Funtinis"

Some other traditional variations are:

A Vodka Martini garnished with an olive:
"I would like a Vodka Martini up."

A Dry Martini has very little vermouth.
"I would like a Dry Martini Up."

A Gibson is garniished with a cocktail onion.
"I would like a Gibson on the rocks."

A Dirty Martini has olive juice
"I would like a Dirty Martini Up."

A Manhatten is Bourbon and sweet vermouth garnished with a cherry:
"I would like a Manhatten on the rocks."
(you can order a "Man Up" and get a laugh. At work I would go to the bartender and say, "I need a Man Up in the worst way." And the answer would always be, "Every woman wants one.")

A Rob Roy is Scotch and sweet vermoth garnished with a cherry.
"I would like a Rob Roy up."

A dry Manhatten or Rob Roy is made with Dry Vermouth garnished with a lemon twist.
"I would like a Dry Rob Roy on the rocks."

A Perfect Manhatten or Rob Roy is made with both Sweet and Dry Vermouth and garnished with both a cherry and lemon twist.
"I would like a Perfect Manhatten Up."

All of these should be folllowed by PLEASE.

One must be careful when drinking these as they are All Alcohol. They should be sipped.

My favorite is a Cosmopolitan Up.
"I would like a Cosmo Up, please."

Chilled vodka, a splash of Cranberry Juice, a sprinkle of Triple Sec strained into a chilled cocktail glass and garnished with a lemon twist. Oh so sophisticated!!

Lemon Drops are good too!!

Have fun and have a designated driver!!

One more thing if you want to "Call" your brand of liquor, you say the brand befire the name of the drink:
"I would like a Chopin Cosmo up, please."


Um... tell the bartender you want a martini?

dry, with a twist, shaken not stirred

HaHa, that's so funny because I am that exact same way when it comes to things like that LoL! One night, I just came clean with my waitress and told her I had no idea about martinis but I really want to try one. She laughed and said okay, well I have the perfect one. She brought me a melon martini and I have been sold since! Everywhere I go I ask them if they have a melon martini and that's what I get! From there you can experiment with other flavors, but once you try that one you will be more confident lol. I know!

No twist! Get an olive. That way if you drink too many, you still get some nutrition!

marrtini please

1) Name your brand of Gin (or Vodka)
2) State whether you like it with ice (on the rocks) or not (up)
3) Choose a garnish (lemon twist, olive, onions)

So, in my case it would be "Bombay Sapphire Martini, up, with olives."

OK, that's for a REAL Martini. If you mean Appletini, Chocolatini, etc., that's not really a martini, just a mixed drink.

I have been a bartender for about 40 yrs. Today there are so many martinis such as gin, vodka, apple, cosmo, ect. Depends on your taste. If you just want a martini ask the bartender what he would suggest.

Try ordering a dirty martini. It has olive liquid added to make a slightly salty taste. Yummy
Blue cheese stuffed olives make a good match for a dirty martini.

ask for a Patron-tini... that will really mess you up haha

The basic Martini is an aquired taste, don't be fooled by all these so-called Martinis that disguise themselves with fancy names and cool colors.

The basic Martini is Gin (by default) a splash of vermouth,ice cubes and a lemon twist and a couple of green olives. Vodka is also a favored choice in the Martini. Personal choice decides how you will order it.

So if you like Gin, pick a brand you may have tried before, Bombay or Tanqueray are good choices.

If you like Vodka, same thing , pick a brand that you've had, Chopin or Absolut

Vermouth is something to enhance a Martini and it is added in pretty small quantities. If you have never had vermouth, try it on its own once, poured over a little ice and see if you like its taste, it can be a sweet or dry vermouth, usually the dry is in a classic martini. If you specify a dry martini, usually this means you want very little vermouth in it.

A martini can be shaken or stirred with the ice, the shaken method allows more ice to melt into the drink, therefore making it a little bit less strong. Stirred martinis are the classic way to prepare the drink but is far less flashy to make. You can ask for the drink "UP" which is strained of the ice or "Rocks" with the drink over the ice. Again personal preference.

A Cosmopolitan is a Martini style drink and is a very good way to start to ordering drinks of this style, you usually don't have to go into too much detail about the liquors you want and such, so that should be easy to order.

So, if you want to order a Martini it should sound somthing like this, "I'll have a Absolut Vodka martini, UP, dry with extra olives" If they ask shaken or stirred ( usually a bartender doesn't ask) you can specify which one. If you say Straight up, that means you're gonna drink a warm Martini, since that means no ice!

Hope this helps

You asked what it means to order a dry martini. When a beverage is referred to as "Dry" it usually means the opposite of "Sweet". It is not necessarily "Bitter" per se. But it does have a little edge to it. Dry Vermouth (green label) is the aromatic substance that makes the martini dry. Ask for it to be just "a little dry" the 1st time you try it..

A real martini is made with gin. Gin has a real bite to it and many people do not like it. That is why a vodka martini is much more popular. But you do not usually hear people order it that way. They just say "martini". It's up to the bartender not to be cocky and just ask them whether they want gin or vodka if they do not know the customer's taste.
Not that you asked, but I prefer vodka. Most women do.

There is usually fruit in a martini. Generally it is an olive (olives have pits. pit=seed. seed=fruit). You get a drink and a meal! Fun fact: Many old-style tipplers are superstitious and never want an even # of olives in their drink! 3, or 1 but not ever 4. Take one out!! A dirty martini just means that some of the olive juice is poured into the drink and makes the liquid cloudy. Personally, I like that.

You can also instead have a twist of lemon or lime. It is very subtle and doesn't change the flavor much.

The next step is yours: Try it. Pick up the glass with 2 hands (it may splash) and have a go at it! You don't have to like it. But you won't know until you sip it a few times. If it is gross, give another bartender a shot at it some day. But don't worry about looking like you don't know what you are doing or what anyone else thinks of you. They're all drunk anyway!

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