Is it ok to have voda at 14?!

Question: right i only had it 1 time but has i done any damage

Answers: right i only had it 1 time but has i done any damage

No, no age is okay. Why do you think they call it poison?

a sip or glass= no damage
a 2 litre bottle = damage

once = no damage
every night = damage

your to young to get drunk, at 13 your brain is not fully formed.

It's never ok for underage people to drink. As for'll be fine..just don't do it anymore till you get mature enough to make that decision on your own.

its not ok to drink when you're underage according to people but i still do it.but its bad, oh well. you shouldnt make drinking a habit.

that fact you have to ask proves you're to young to drink voddy. Steer clear until your older please. A friend of mine died from alcohol poisoning when he was 16, he had drunk 3 glasses of punch. Its not worth it honey.

Please don't do that again til you are old enough to be responsible. PLEASE.

It depends on the laws and what state your in.

Damage is only done if you drink excessively. it can damage your liver.

I don't think that it's okay I don't think that at age 14 you have the mental capacity to be responsible for the safety of yourself or the safety of others while your intoxicated. Not to make you sound irresponsible but I believe that there are laws in place for that reason. a 14 year old will make decisions while intoxicated differently than a 21 year old.

NO you little oik you must be one of them little tough hoodies that are afraid to show their little spotty faces

If I drunk half a bottle of Vodka at 14 I would be in a ditch somewhere, you don't want to hear all the 'don't drink blah blah' so my advice is, if ur gonna underage drink, stick to the lighter stuff for a few years (5% stuff or somethin).
I grew up on the super strenth cider (which was about 8%) and had a good few dodgy nights.

I am going on sixty...and sober for 14 years after ruining my life and making enemies of all those who once loved me. Any other questions about vodka???

No, it is not ok to consume any form of alcohol at 14.
And by the way, do they not teach you spelling and grammar at school these days..??

dont do it. if you start getting into it, school and all will be effected and you might end up hurting someone or yourself. i doubt you really have a need to do that to fit in either. if ur friends are like "drink man drink" then you dont need to be with them, cuz you'll get caught eventually and it isnt worth all the trouble ur parents will cause you. but if you do drink, dont go binge drink either or constantly party because you WILL end up causing your body damage in the long run. you could end up with a DUI or risk the chance of alcoholism. and believe me, neither of those you want.

sure why not, u could have tried ever clear (just a little bit) and still be fine . by the age of 13 i tried alot of different types of drinks and play college football for and on the track team.(USC) u do damage when u drinking alot , every day .............................Some thing u'll probably due when u get to college anyways . (i do and know many top athletes that drink alot also) u just have to know when too much is too much!!!

drank 1 liter of skyy vodka and 4 beers at 16 or 17 and i'm a tiny girl. not smart at all. i dont know how i'm still alive, although i threw up and shivered uncontrollably for 2 or 3 hours. alcohol has messed up my life quite a bit. i dont suggest getting into drinking. i've seen too many lifes fall apart over it.

NO. i made this mistake, drank a whole bottle of vodka at 14.

worst thing ever.

to this day i cannot even smell vodka without throwing up.
i cant stop you from drinking but stick to beer.

No, it shouldn't have. Unless you got sick.
I've been drinking vodka for a year now, since I was fifteen, and I mean, it only does damage if you drink it so much, that you can't bare to look at it without being tempted to take a sip.

Vodka only should do damage to you if it makes you puke, or something...which means drinking it in large quantities.

It also depends on your size, and gender.
Usually for any fourteen year old, you shouldn't have anymore than roughly four shots in one hour, because your BAC should be fairly high, which if it gets TOO high, you can suffer from alcohol poisoning, and experience other things like black outs, or loss of balance, etc.

As for a half bottle, it depends if you're talking about a whole handle.
If you are, then that's half of 33.5 shots, which is roughly 16 shots, which could kill you if it's 80 proof.

So, be careful, because it could be harmful if you have too much.
If it was only a few shots, then you should be fine. No damage.

Well i have drunk every weekend since i was 13 and im now 15 vodka hasnt done me harm.However it could ruin you liver if you become a alcoholic later in life but for now your safe.


you are underaged!

If you have had it 1 time then I wreckon you would be ok

Maybe if your Mum or Dad let you have an occasional Vodka or something else but not too often, thats fine.

the message is clear mate, NO NO NO you're to young for alcohol. Leave it alone there is plenty time to "EXPERIMENT" when you're older. But no it won't have done you any harm if like you say you've only had a little. I have to tell you though that's how alcoholics start out.

A little bit won't do you much damage, but drinking half a bottle at 14 will likely cause some damage! If to not your liver, but because you'd be so drunk you may do yourself some damage. There's a reason why the age limit for alcohol is 18.

no its too easy to fall into the trap of drinking too often.

Vodka nooooo, Voda (phone) yessssss. !

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