What are the differences in the dammages that pot causes compared to beer and ciggarettes?!

Question: This is a question on the dangers of all mentioned please do not think i am putting this question out as a joke i really want to know.

Answers: This is a question on the dangers of all mentioned please do not think i am putting this question out as a joke i really want to know.

beer consumption:
more than one a day for a woman and more than two a day for a man is "excessive"
Health damages of alcohol for excessive users include but are not limited to: Arthritis, Cancer in the liver, pancreas, rectum, breast, mouth, pharynx, larynx and esophagus, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,Heart Disease, Hyperglycermia, Hypoglycemia, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, Malnutrition, Nervous Disorders, Obesity, and Psychological disturbances

Immediate health effects (for excessive use) include: double vision, slurred speech, loss of ability to judge distance. Alcohol loosens your inhibitions, Alcohol poisoning can cause sickness and death, it can cause black outs and dehydration.

Cigarettes: Lung cancer, heart disease, aneurysms, bronchitis, emphysema, and stroke, and it makes pneumonia and asthma worse, it can damage a woman's reproductive health. Tobacco use is linked with reduced fertility and a higher risk of miscarriage, early delivery (premature birth), stillbirth, infant death, and is a cause of low birth-weight in infants. It has also been linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Smoking has also been linked to other health problems, including gum disease, cataracts, bone thinning, hip fractures, and peptic ulcers. It is also linked to macular degeneration, an eye disease that can cause blindness.

There are no known cases of over dose of pot.
Immediate physical effects of pot include decreased coordination and balance, making it dangerous to drive or operate machinery, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, faintness and reddened eyes. There also can be a 'hangover' effect – drowsiness and poor coordination – lasting a couple of hours.
Long term effects of pot:
Currently, there is no available scientific evidence that occasional use of small quantities of cannabis causes any permanent health damage.
But use it often, over a long period of time, and it's a different story. Here's how it can damage your health:
It causes bronchitis. Marijuana cigarettes have more tar than tobacco, and marijuana smokers often inhale deeply, holding the smoke in the lungs longer, to increase the effects of the drug. This damages the airways. Marijuana smokers have increased susceptibility to chest infections like bronchitis (which then take longer to clear up), and a greater chance of developing chronic bronchitis. If marijuana and tobacco are combined, the risk is greater still, and the user probably also has a greater risk of developing lung cancer than someone who only smokes tobacco.
? It saps your energy. Some regular users report that they have less energy and motivation than people who don't use, and their performance at work or school suffers accordingly. When these users stop smoking, their energy and motivation usually returns.
? It impairs your mental performance. Regular cannabis use (using daily, and perhaps more than weekly in younger users) diminishes a user's concentration, memory and the ability to learn. Even after stopping use, these effects can last for several months.
? It may do strange things to your sex hormones, and that can't be good. For a few hours after use, cannabis can depress sperm production in men. It's also been associated with mild menstrual irregularities in women. Some long-term regular users report reduced sex drive.
? It may contribute to a psychotic episode. There's a lot of debate about this, but it seems that a person who is prone to psychosis is more likely to have a psychotic episode if they use cannabis. It is unclear whether cannabis alone can cause psychosis in those without this vulnerability.

With reefer you loose your inner spirit and conviction.

Pot actually permanently kills brain cells, which both beer and cigarettes don't do. So with enough smoking and time, it can cause permanent neurological damage.

It's really not a fair comparison. Pot causes damage to the brain and neurological functions as well as the damage caused by the inhalation of smoke. The damage caused by smoking is well document=ed as is that caused by alcohol. However if you look at it this way it may help.

Smoking Pot : Guaranteed to cause damage to your body, certainly on Brain and lung function plus, in addition, cancer, heart disease, emphysema etc linked to cigarette smoking.

Smoking cigarettes :Guaranteed to cause damage to the body including the things above,(Except for brain and neurology) and guaranteed to knock 5 1/2 minutes of life expectancy off your lifespan for every cigarette you smoke.

Drinking beer : In moderation no problem. However drinking excessively (More than 21 units a week) ca cause liver damage and cause alcoholism.

My advice. Don't smoke pot or touch any illicit drugs. Don't smoke cigarette, drink beer in moderation.

Lets look at history to answer this question for us.
Annual # of deaths caused by marijuana: 0
Annual # of deaths caused by tobacco: 435,000
Annual # of deaths caused by alcohol: 85,000

Now you tell me, which causes more damage?

Both of the answers saying it causes permanant brain damage is hog wash. People throw out false facts as if they know of which they speak.
How many people die each year from drinking alcohol?
How many people die each year from smoking cigarettes?
How many people die each year from smoking pot?
Check out number 4 in the link below.In the 10 bad things that are good for you. Marijuana actually has proven to be beneficial in detering Alzheimers.

jay is correct the other responders are idiots spouting right wing propaganda.

Smoke is smoke and theres carcinogins in both.
Marijuana is a hallucinogen (spelled wrong?)
Nicotine is a stimulant
and Alcohol is a depressant.

The danger of smoking a lot of pot is that it has a long half life. Though the physical damages may be minimal the psychological ones relating to remaining in a partial state of intoxication for weeks and months can be enormous.

Alcohol is out of your system within a few days and has no half life. Drinking infrequently poses few risks. However extensive drinking over long periods of time has disastrous consequences and should be avoided.

Tobacco is terrible for your health and unlike pot or fine alcohol offers no benefits.

pot will give you severe paranoia and make you very uncomfortable and anxious in social situations. thats why so many people act like they are complete IDIOTS when they are high. have you ever seen a successful pothead besides snoop dogg. pot leads to temporary insanity and long term insanity as well as a complete absence of memory. alcohol is only dangerous if you drive while under the influence, while cigarettes do absolutely nothing for you but make you psychologically addicted and it gives you serious long-term health problems.

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