Why as a country don't we ban the sale of carbonated beverages. They are of no value.?!

Question: Studys show they are the leading cause of diabetes and that they use lots of fossil fuels to make as to transport to sale. Think if this money was used wisely?

Answers: Studys show they are the leading cause of diabetes and that they use lots of fossil fuels to make as to transport to sale. Think if this money was used wisely?

I agree, sodas are terrible. However, this is America. People should be free to choose what they want to put in their body. That includes stopping this failure of a war on drugs, too.

Creepyguy: Does that mean we can expect the Republicans to start fighting for the legalization of marijuana soon, then? I was under the impression that it was the Republicans who wanted to ban everything they disagree with.

you mean soda? because i like my carbonated flavored waters thank you very much.

And I guess you dont understand what freedom is, if you want to live like China, then go there

They make too much money for the gov to ban them
like ciggarettes

There's many other ways I'd like to see our money used differently

Where is this study? Who did it?

I don't know what country you are from but here in the United States we have the freedom to choose. If you need your government to make decisions for you perhaps the United States is not for you.

we dont ban tobacco. we dont ban alcohol. we dont ban over eating. we dont ban hair dye (could cause a severe allergic reaction. we have a mind. let us choose.

people buy it, so why sould we get rid of it? Thats like saying we sould get rid of roads because they cause car acciedents.

Its profitable for the companies producing carbonated beverages. Thats how the free market works.

Cars spew tons and tons of pollutants into the air everyday almost worldwide causing countless health and enviromental problems. Should we ban these also?

Why don't you run for dictator and run the country for us asshole.

Because I don't want the government to be my conscience. If I want to destroy my body, it is my business NOT the governments. Anyway, if you drink them as an occasional treat, it is no worse than anything else. Should we make chocolate illegal too? Candy? Cookies? Beer? Wine?? ALL of these are bad if ingested in excess. Don't you have a mind of your own? The government has too much control over us already.

Because if everything is banned, it makes for a very miserable life. At least, unlike smoking, you're not harming other people around you or being antisocial by doing it.

I don't believe the government, well, perhaps not in the "United States, has the authority or power to do so. As a citizen we have many rights, and I am sure the banning of something that is "potentially" harmless, would violate or "dance on the line" of something that would cross our constitutional rights. "Soda" or "Carbonated Beverages" are something that I believe, most people tend to enjoy, and they are almost harmless, based on consumption, and diet, I believe. They also do not cause intoxication, or anything harmful to the neuro receptors, I don't believe. Also, "Soda" companies, tend to develop their soda in factories, in the same state in which they are delivered, so aside from the "traveling" such is potentially harmless to the environment as well, I believe. When compared to many other products offered, I believe one would find that "soda" distribution, as well as other carbonated goods hardly does any damage, especially with relative location, and bulk shipping. On top of that, they are something that benefits the economy, especially since produced in the United States, with little harm, even less so then alcohol, or other concautions. Furthemore, I believe the United States is a place of freedom, where the government, while may restrict some things, due to a great loss of profit, or security risks, have the power to restrict very little, without getting "impeached" "overuled" or overturned. While our congress, senators, and represenatives, represent us, we as a people have the rights to endulge in almost anything we would like, as long as it does not violate any other laws. In retrospec, the government has to respect our constitutional rights, and represent us, as a people, in our interests, and thoughts, brought to the senators, and represenatives. But aside from the improbability, there would be, I believe, many, many public protests, illegal importation, and perhaps immigration to other countries. In a business perspective, the United States economy would take a very large blow if doing, so, and would eventually, I believe, have to over turn such, as the society we live in, I don't believe would stand for such an act. Only one themselves can make such a decision to endeavor themselves in the delights, as well as negatives of carbonated beverages, or to choose not too, it is not our place, or stance to place such a law on them, especially in the manner of using such a minor thing for justificationm of something larger, or heavier control, I believe. But! Those are just my thoughts on such, and I would respect anyone who would say otherwise.

Don't they teach history (or biology) in the schools nowadays? Learn what happened during Prohibition. Also learn about diabetes. I will grant you this, the money could be better used -- maybe for education.

Because legislating human behavior is a stupid use of our government and who are you to say that carbonated beverages have no value.

All carbonated drinks are bad. But, tyhe big companies control them. So how can they be abandoned?

That's thinking small, rather then saying why don't we ban tobacco? or something Else that's more threatening then just soda. If that's the case, ban candy.

I have no idea thats the same question i think over and over again.People love them to much to quite though im afraid we wont see that happen in this life time.

Uh, I think we use gas to transport fruit juices and water. If you mean Cola-like drinks you must be a democrat. It is not the governments job to take care of you! Individuals are responsible for their own well being.

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