What would it take for you to get drunk?!

Question: so the most ive ever drunk is proberbly 3 shots and then 2 mixed drinks, this was within 40 minutes id say...yeah well that got me no where but sleepy. I assume i have a good alcohol intoloerance because i drink my grandfathers wine, so im proberbly more familiar to spirts more so than otehrs who dont drink alcohol on a regular basis.
whats your limit? or wahts genrally "the" limit?

Answers: so the most ive ever drunk is proberbly 3 shots and then 2 mixed drinks, this was within 40 minutes id say...yeah well that got me no where but sleepy. I assume i have a good alcohol intoloerance because i drink my grandfathers wine, so im proberbly more familiar to spirts more so than otehrs who dont drink alcohol on a regular basis.
whats your limit? or wahts genrally "the" limit?

Your just drinking the wrong stuff, try 3 shots of patron and 2 greygoose and tonics in forty minutes and see what happens. You will be dancing in the street, so put your dancing shoes on. lol

alcohol..... just alcohol

ok when u go to a party and drink a whole bottle of jose cuervo by yourself call me...lol

a wing man (lol) not too much maybe 4 or 5 actually I don't drink.

all people are different.

a 750ml bottle of wildturkey 101 I can smash a bottle a day.

2 cases of beer
15 shots

At least 8 to 10 beers.

There is a difference between feeling drunk and being drunk. In most states about 1 drink (beer, mixed or shot) will legally classify you as intoxicated. Personally, for me I usually drink about 4 beers and 2-3 shots in a few hours and I'm feeling nice

All it takes is one good drink to get me dancing on tables. (I'm a cheap date.) That's why I usually don't drink at all.

four 20md20md
22 shots
7 mix drikens and more.

you shouldnt drink alchohol because it kills brain cells and brain cells dont grow back.

I'm a beer drinker so a 12 pack is a good start, 18 I get a little loopy, and by 24 I'm feeling no pain.

if i wuold get drunk you betta give me 200 trillion bucks. the most i would take is half a bottle of alcohol free beer

In one night I have drank a double shot of patron, 2 cadillac margarita's , 3 Strawberry Margarita's , and a Vodka and cranberry and a glass of wine , and walked out of the bar fine, I didnt drive because its not safe but I had the ability to

I like to have 3 or 4 Long Island iced teas. On a really wild night, I'll add a few Yeager bombs to that.
I once drank 10 long islands, that was a bit too much, I was hungover for 3 days.

beer bongs, there fast and effective!

If drinking makes you sleepy you might have a health issue your not aware of...I use to drink and drink and drink anything and everything without any problems...Now its like no matter what i drink..hmm besides jager.. :) i get sleepy...I found out i have a heart condition i was born with and now that i am older it is acting up more so there are times i will drink 2 beers and be slurring my words and just damn silly...i'm not drunk my heart just makes me dizzy and then that mixed with alcohol well duh you get it....I don't like drinking too much anymore...even the though makes me sick sometimes.

The drunkest I've ever gotten was at a christmas party. There was an open bar, and my friend and I drank the bar out of rum.... Then we moved the JD, and then soco 100 proof. That night, I drank myself blind.. I literally couldn't see until I woke up the next day.

You average drinking night, two of the rum and cokes my local bartender makes me (4-5 shots of rum in each glass) gets me buzzing. Three gets me tipsy, and four make me pretty drunk.

Enough to bring your blood alcohol level up to about .08 in most states. After that, you are drunk, by legal definition as far as driving is concerned. The biggest factor in differences between how much folks can drink to get to that level is size/weight.

I can pretty much hold my liquor..

Except for wine. So..a whole bottle of wine on an empty stomach would make me drunk.

It depends on what I drink and how fast I drink it.
My ability to drink has lessened the older I get, but my record was a 6 pack of beer, drunk quickly, one after the other
I pretty much decided I needed to lie down after that and sleep it off.
(may have missed the party, but I did get up early the next morning for the cooked breakfast the hosts were putting on)
Yes I know, I'm a cadbury girl!!!

its different every tI'me if its a party i drink till i fall,if im drinking at home kicking back about a 12pk.

lol nothing beats college parties to find out someones tolerance so far ive made it through a few holidays where i end up raising the bar...thats alot to say since ima girl that parties with alot of guys ...truth is between me and 5 guys we floated a keg drank 9 bottles and drank at a few clubs in one weekend so limit?!? who knows! i think after a certain buzz starts going who counts?

I dont drink - I was just saying tonight that Im sure just the smell of alcohol puts me over the limit :)


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