So, I'm 21 today. Any suggestions for alcohol?!

Question: I like a good wheat beer and the hard stuff thats like half as hard as vodka or rum. I'm looking to just have a good time and enjoy what I drink, not to get sloshed.

Suggestions? Thanks!

Answers: I like a good wheat beer and the hard stuff thats like half as hard as vodka or rum. I'm looking to just have a good time and enjoy what I drink, not to get sloshed.

Suggestions? Thanks!

For taste, try Kalua (chocolate) or if you prefer a mint try creme de menthe.

yeeee haaaa

Ah yes, well a bottle of vintage Dom (say from the year you were born) would be great!

alcohol is a crappy drug. Smoke weed

I am glad you are not out to get sloshed, people who do that just cus they just turned 21 are stupid.
sorry, I just know of brands like Budwieser, Bud light,

hey Happy 21st go have a scotch straight up for me and kick back heres a star for ya big night out

Happy Birthday

i like wheat beer too. i don't have a suggestion for what to drink, however i do suggest you don't drive after. we'd like to see you at 22.

there's a wheat beer from belgium, its pronounced hoogarden
damn good beer if the stores in your area carry it. congrats and have a good one.

Try a coke and 151. Any restaurant with a bar should have it.


yes...Don't start!

But if you want to have a few. I like Lienkohgals (spelling) citris or red.
Happy Birthday !

By your question you started to drink before your 21 st birthday!!
Lay off it.
Booze leads to trouble.

happy 21 to you*** howz about some metho!!!!

If you're not looking to get sloshed.. then stick to beer.. stay away from the shots!! lol

if you mix e&j with tahition treat pop you ll be all good

Happy Birthday to you! Vodka an cranberry is great! Order up a sex on the beach and enjoy!

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