Will 2 shots of vodka do anything to me or should I have 3?!

Question: I weigh 127 lbs and I am 5'7 and tonight my friends and I are all gonna drink, but Ive never drank that much b4 and I was wondering if 2 shots will give me a "buzz" I dont want to get drunk I just want to feel the buzzed feeling a little, do you think 2 shots will work or should I try 3? Also how far apart should they be taken? Im not sure the % proof but it is watermelon vodka, if that helps?

Answers: I weigh 127 lbs and I am 5'7 and tonight my friends and I are all gonna drink, but Ive never drank that much b4 and I was wondering if 2 shots will give me a "buzz" I dont want to get drunk I just want to feel the buzzed feeling a little, do you think 2 shots will work or should I try 3? Also how far apart should they be taken? Im not sure the % proof but it is watermelon vodka, if that helps?

2 to 3 shots = a heady buzz. Take them at the same time otherwise you'll burn off the first shot by the time you take the second one and if you do that enough times you'll just end up with a headache without getting the buzz feeling.
Though once you get that buzzed feeling you're going to want more and will probably end up wasted. Either get ripped or don't drink at all.

Drinking two drinks and stopping is like trying to eat only 1 potato chip.

yeah, you'll feel it.

One shot will get you buzzed. Be careful.

everyone can take different amounts of alcohol. If you dont wanna get too drunk jst play it by ear, have one and see how you feel init!! Sure you'll end up getting plastered!!

if you're not used to it. yes. 2 shots will do it, if you take them pretty close together.

You will feel the buzz feeling. Three shots will probably be too much, but wait 3 minutes in between shots, that gives the previous shot time to settle, and after the second, you should feel great!

I'll try frist den let mi get bck wit u.

If youve never drank that much b4, dont start with vodka. Drink a wine cooler or a beer. Shots of vodka is just gross and prob would just make u sick.

I wouldn't have any! Just getting to the buzzed feeling is asking for trouble. Maybe you could just have one if it wouldn't get you buzzed. You could be leading yourself to alcoholism. I've heard that people who drink a little to feel "good" can often become alcoholics because they start depending on alcohol to make them feel comfortable in social situations.

I need to check your ID before answering. Just kiddin, of course. Well, 2 should give you a little buzz and 3 could really rattle you. Folks get into problems when they drink too quickly, so space 'em out! By the way, now would be a good time to ask another question about hangover relief!

You go for it girl try 1 and see how you feel, No puking though!!!! Have a good night

Have 2. But once you get started you arent going to want to stop.. Make sure you have water in between.

Actually one shot will give you a buzz,since you're really not a drinker. So, just try one shot, wait and see how you feel. If you feel nothing then go for the second shot.

its probably 80 proof which is 40 % ethyl alcohol by volume . over a 0.40 blood alcohol level is usually fatal . moderation is the rule . know when to say when . don't drive at all .

try 5, and you will have the best sleep in your life!! I'm off out in London in a few mins, I'll do 10 coz im hardcore (debatable) and also cause I like my sleep :D

It totally depends on how much you've eaten before you drink. Sometimes, if I haven't had much all day, I feel a lot from one shot. Other times, it can take 3 to feel it. I would say, eat a good meal before (so you dont get hungover), and take 3!

find out drink like 2 see what happens then drink some more
you should be able to handle 5 or 6 easy but go slow and see how you feel

You need to consider if you will be drinking on an empty stomache, partial full or full as that can make a difference in how much you drink to get a buzz. Weight does play a factor, however a person who drinks and a non drinker of the same exact same weight will experience a buzz at different times.

Just go for the gusto and keep drinking till you get drunk, fall down, get sick , make an *** of yourself, cant remember what you did or who with, and be the life of the party that everyone will continue to invite you in the future

hold on i'm coming with reinforcement's and a nice FATTY!!!

There's no rule of thumb based on your height and weight because there are so many other factors in drinking (i.e. prior tolerance, tiredness, food consumption.) If you mix them with something (i.e. cranberry juice and ice) you'll be able to get buzzed more slowly so you can cut yourself off when necessary.


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