So im beginning to drink beer...?!


So im beginning to drink beer...?

most of my 'drinking life' i have been drinking the "hard stuff" (vodka, rum, etc.) but recently had myself some coors light and at first i didnt like it, but over the past couple weeks i have grown to like it. today i tried a guinness stout as recommended by my friend and did NOT like it. waaaay too bitter for me.

any suggestions for me here? brands to try that are in between coors and guiness? ways to train my palate? i know nothing about beer so anything is appreciated

Go with bud light, cant go wrong,, if not strong enough go with the real thing budweiser...Its the king of beers for a reason.........

don't drink

strawberry beer

Newcastle is by far my favorite.

Drink that things is not god for your healthy...

try's a good midway between something really "generic" (pardon me coors light fans :) ) as coors light and the dark ales like guinness. it goes well with a lime so yea...see if that suits you ...

Try some Rolling Rock or maybe Amstel Light. The stouts are gonna be more bitter. Go with a lager, pilsner or ale. There are many different beers. All have a unique taste. Coors Light don't have much taste but some like that. If you want to step to a little more flavor from coors light try a miller light. Just got to a bar and order something different everytime.

sierra nevada
blue moon
any micro brew

I'm not a fan of Coors for some reason, tastes like Rocky Mountain piss water.

Guiness is an aquired taste. You have to like the dark stuff. I love it.

Try yuengling
Or order a black and tan
Or Guiness w/Bass

Guiness is rank!!!!

Generally I would stick to what ever your local bar has on tap.
I'm from Aus so the beer here is different to where you are. Stick with lagar.

If you can get to Philly, go to a restaurant called The Nodding Head. Not only do they have OUTSTANDING food but they have a bunch of flavored beers that are amazing - and I HATE beer.
Also, if you can get to a Wholefoods, they sometimes have spiced Belgian beers - Delirium Nocturnum is one, I haven't tried it yet, but I will.
Tequiza is not bad.
Corona WITH the lemon squeezed into it is adaquate.
Ichiban or Tsing-tao are pretty good too.
But if you don't like beer, don't drink it. Who gives a sh!t?

Beck's is good and so is Tsing Tao, my faves. But let's face it - they are all good if served ice cold.

Speight's the Southern Man's drink

I'm not a beer drinker, never liked the stuff. But I've been told that Michelob is very smooth. It's the only beer my parents drink.

try might like it :)

I dont usually drink beer but have tried Bud Light with friends and liked the taste.

Educate yourself regarding the IBU of beer types. This way, you can avoid bitter beers. If it's bitterness you don't like, I would recommend a wheat beer. Guiness is actually fairly low on the IBU scale, so I'm surprised the bitterness bothered you.

guinness draught isnt as bitter..just nice and rich..very flavorful...for something lighter..try Newcastle Brown Ale...great flavor..nutty...not bitter at all...a fav....dont drink and drive

I feel the same way - Guiness is too bitter, and everything else is too weak. You'll just have to experiment to find something that is perfectly right for you. I like Bass.

EDIT: Killians isn't bad either.

Almost anything is between Coors and Guinness. Lowenbrau is good. I am partial to Dos Ekkis

It sounds like you should start off with some higher quality beers. Try Stella Artois, Harpoon, or some micro brewery beers in your area to gain an appreciation for what a real/good beer should taste like. There are also many different kinds of beers (i.e. hefeweizen is a wheat ale that I love...tastes a lot like a Coors Light in my opinion, but has more of that citrusy flavor). Then after having tried these beers, you can try some of the cheaper crap that is out there (Busch light, Natural Light, etc.). It also depends on why you're drinking the beer. To get drunk, just buy the cheap stuff. To really appreciate it, "splurge" for the good stuff.

try blue moon w/ an orange. also try corona mmmm.

Newcastle!! It's great!

If you like Coors light, try Harp. It's made by the same company as Guinness, but it is at the opposite end of the spectrum. I don't care for Guiness myself, something about beer you could stand on just doesn't do it for me. Harp is a much lighter beer. It's what I drink when I go to an Irish or British pub.

bass ale,
corona with lime,
sam adams boston lager,
yeungling lager.

those are five beers that everybody seems to like.

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