Alcohol- Severe throwing up after each session?!

Question: I'm not a binge drinker, nor do I drink that much. But every few times a month (sometimes not at all in a month), I go out with friends and have some drinks. Some of these nights I DO have too much to drink, but other nights I have only a little. The thing is- no matter how much or little I always throw up the next day. The other day I spent the entire day after throwing up ( a LOT). I feel awful, and I don't understand why my hangovers are 10x intensified.

My friend says I'm probably destroying my liver. Please don't advise me to stop drinking, that can be arranged- I'm just looking for a simple answer and explanation.

Answers: I'm not a binge drinker, nor do I drink that much. But every few times a month (sometimes not at all in a month), I go out with friends and have some drinks. Some of these nights I DO have too much to drink, but other nights I have only a little. The thing is- no matter how much or little I always throw up the next day. The other day I spent the entire day after throwing up ( a LOT). I feel awful, and I don't understand why my hangovers are 10x intensified.

My friend says I'm probably destroying my liver. Please don't advise me to stop drinking, that can be arranged- I'm just looking for a simple answer and explanation.

Are you mixing your drinks? In other words, are you switching from rum, to vodka, to Goldschlaager? You can't do that without getting violently ill and having a doozy of a hangover.

Stick to one liquor and whatever you do DON'T drink water afterward or the next morning. If you still find you have a hangover the next morning make yourself a tomato juice cocktail. (They work.)


3 oz. Tomato juice
1 dash Lemon juice
1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
2-3 drops Tabasco sauce
salt and pepper to taste

Pour all ingredients into a glass. Stir well. Chug.

I have a friend that was told that he was allergic to alcohol. Thought he was kidding, but maybe not...

You are quite possibly allergic to alcohol. If you have a history of drinking, your pancreas and/or liver could be compromised.

First define what you think is not much to drink. Your body is trying to tell you something dude. Alcohol basically is poison and one of your body's natural reaction to poison is to get rid of it, a.k.a. bilge chucking. Not everybody can metabolize alcohol, their livers won't handle it at all and they could possibly die from what seems like a trivial amount. Could be a good idea to see a Dr. and get a a liver test (blood test).

You could be allergic to alcohol, but I would first question what "form(s)" you are drinking. I am allergic to Bourbon, but can drink other beverages

Make sure you eat something before drinking, and drink water afterwards.

Don't drink. Alcohol attacks every organ in the body. It is so harmful, many in American tried to get rid of it throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. They finally did in 1919, but by then the Laodicean age had started; the revivals had ceased and the Mafia made money off it. President Roosevelt and Joe Kennedy succeeded in making liquor legal again. It is interesting what has been happening to the Kennedy family since. Billy Sunday once said: "how can I describe the damage and heartbreak booze has done? If dogs did one millionth the damage that the devil's juice does, there would not be a live dog in this city". That tells the story.

could be a gall bladder issue....especially if it happens only sometimes.....are you having any other bouts of nausea?
Also people react differently to different types of alcohol.I had a friend who was a moderate drinker who drank vodka one night....and woke up in jail without a clue how she got there.....(If you knew her.... VERY out of character and rather funny)

Some people ARE allergic to alcohol. It sucks, but if you get sick EVERY time you drink, think about the fact that your body is trying to tell you something.

Typically, alcohol allergies manifest themselves as flushing, hives, or shortness of breath. The excessive vomiting doesn't seem to fit the bill for an allergy. Perhaps it's a gastrointestinal problem. Acid reflux, ulcers, and gastritis typically aren't a good mix with alcohol, though medication can help.

How about hydration? Many of the harmful effects of alcohol can be mitigated by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after drinking. This might help your stomach, and would certainly help you hangovers, since most of the effects are a result of dehydration. Another good hangover tip is to take vitamins when you drink (especially the B vitamins). This is not folk knowledge or a rumor--antioxidants reduce the damage of free radicals when drinking, and when alcoholics are brought in for treatment, doctors always give them vitamins since they are usually prone to a deficiency.

Ask your primary care physician about the problem. They can refer you to a gastroenterologist or an allergist-immunologist, just to make sure.

Well.... WHAT are you drinking? I went thru a period where everytime I drank I was majorly sick the next day, whether I had drank just a few drinks or got smashed. I started paying attention to what I was drinking and changing it around - turned out it was Grenadine that was making me sick. It's used in a lot of mixed drinks. I cut that out and have been fine ever since. Could be something like that with you.... or you could be allergic like everyone says.

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