Suggestions on what to drink at bars?!

Question: My problem is that I am a 21 year old guy and I do not like beer. I was wondering if anyone has suggestions as to what I can order at a bar without looking like a girl. Not shots, I can do those. I'm looking for something more along the lines of rum and coke. Thanks!

Answers: My problem is that I am a 21 year old guy and I do not like beer. I was wondering if anyone has suggestions as to what I can order at a bar without looking like a girl. Not shots, I can do those. I'm looking for something more along the lines of rum and coke. Thanks!

If you wish to stay (reasonably ) sober? Screwdriver or Rum and Coke, White or Black Russian, Hurricane or Cape Codder...
Do you want to get slowly toasted? Single malt scotch on the rocks.

oder rum and coke whiskey and coke or mojito

How about Jack n Coke, or Vodka with Vanilla Coke, Rumrunner, or a Hurricane. Who cares what you drink... It's not really what we women are checkin out!

whiskey sours aren't bad, or long island ice tea, but if you like something that sounds or looks girly order it anyways, who cares what anybody else thinks

Jack and coke r good whiskey sours are good. Better learn to drink beer though cause mixed drinks are double the price of beer. Plus beer specials can get ya drunk cheap

whatever your preference is. I usually associate sugary drinks with chicks. Guys with straight liquor on the rocks.

Long island tea

jamesons and redbull with blackcurrent. jamesons is the best irish whiskey there is. dont get scotch. j daniels is lethal. southern comfort is allright, a bit fruity. vodka makes every1 puke. but take your time with the spirits they creep up on you. dont drink more than 4 doubles

most of all i would advise you not to drink cos it makes you look like a tit, feel like poo, lose your money, have an accident, cause a fight, insult ur gfriend, take a day off work/college.......even result in your own death or getting arrested

Stay away from drinks with sodas. That's girly. Order a bourbon and water. Sip it slowly. It's a delicious drink. If you can't stomach it, go for a gin and tonic with a twist of lime.

Rd bull and vodka, black/white russian/ red wine port rum and coke sakke "red headed ****" port single johnnie walker blue '61 lafite rothschild. chateu d'yqueim hypnotiq madera marsala

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