Any quick cure for a hang-over?!


Any quick cure for a hang-over?

What is the best and fastest way to cure a hang-over?

PUT a towel with lukewarm water on HIS FORHEAD....

drink a beer

strong coffee

There is no "quick cure". You really have to rest it off and rehyrdate.

Two Aspirin tablets and lots of water

Other than don't drink so much in the future..

Alcohol deplets the body of both hydration and potassium... sooo take 2 tylenol... eat a banana ... drink some OJ.. and get some sleep....

A little "hair of the dog that bit you". Have ONE and only ONE of whatever gave you the hangover, and a good solid breakfast and you'll be good as new. The best way to prevent a hang over is to eat a good meal before you drink and take a tylenol before you go to sleep.

Don't Drink!!

I have also heard of people drinking a Bloody Mary drink, You would have to ask someone how to make it. The only thing I know is you use tobassco sauce in it.

induce vomitting.

There is no "real" cure for a hangover. You can just reduce its effects:

1) In the future, take 2 asprin before drinking

2) A few good cups of coffee, a nice greasy breakfast and another 2 asprin. However, if your stomach really can't take one of those, just omit it.

Now, your results may vary on this. Sometimes different alcohols have different hangovers. Also, different bodies deal with them differently. This is just what I found works for me.

Good luck,


DON'T take aspirins before drinking, you idiots! It's very dangerous.

Take your aspirins before going to sleep, with 2 glasses of water.

Plain yogurt is great for the sick feeling in your stomach, but I'm still searching for the perfect headache preventing home made medicine. I'll let you know when I find it.

Drink plenty of water,induce vomitting and take a cold shower.

Your body is dehydrated when you have a hangover. Alcohol is a diuretic. This is why the headache is there. Drink water. 8 oz an hour and you will be surprised at how much better you feel.

Big fry up or don't stop drinking

Drink water and then eat something heavy in carbs. I always used to make honey, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches - they were quick and easy, taste great and did the treat!!

ur dehydrated, so ya need lotsa water. food, too. not stupid soup and crackers. real FOOD. with protein! best cure ever. i like cheesesteaks the next day with either water or diet juices.

The idiot that said eat 2 asprins before drinking is a idot!
drink some gatoraid and take excedrin - excedrin has cafine in it that helps

icypole and lime cordial (coolade)

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