How much do you drink on a normal night out?!

Question: Far too much, hicc pardon giggle

Answers: Far too much, hicc pardon giggle

not much cos i drive.

I don't drink alcohol. Less people should drink.

zero none nada. just coffee and maybe a diet cola.

About 12 pints on a weekend bender. Get evil hangovers now I'm getting on....

A pint or two, I never drive!

5-7 beers

I do not drink alcohol.

None... I'm only 19 and I don't feel like destroying what could be a great life by getting caught by the law and having that on my record.

I drink until I am either out of money or out of beer...............

On average about 4 tia marias and diet coke, or bacardi and then its like one over the four instead of eight for me I am afraid

I normally would dring about 3 or 4 glaases of white zinfandel

about 10 drinks of spirrets eg vodka & coke or southern comfort and Lemonade. This gets me quite merry and no hangover. The secret is not to mix your drinks never mix the grain and the grape or you will suffer!

I only drink maybe once a year (usually on the 4th of July my bday) so I tend to overdo it! A LOT! lol I throw so many down I drink hubby under the table and need to be escorted home! lol

Yes we have a designated driver!

Just enough to give me a buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
then youll see me and my best friend dancing on the table! lol!

At the most 2-4 glasses of white wine. Anything else and I'm too far gone. I hate getting like that so I limit it there.

About 6 or 7 pints. Or 3 or 4 pints and some wine and/or spirits. Depends how I feel.

Not a lot.

I tend to spill most of it these days!

Usually two drinks. Never have more than one drink an hour and don't drive - booze affects women faster than a man because usually they weigh less.

5-10 drinks

So much so that I don't remember how much I've drunk or more importantly how much I've spent :-)


about 7 drinks on average.. at least 3 and at most 13....

I'm still 20 by the way, and have a high tolerance.

i can honestly say i don't really know I've never counted them but i will tonight

In winter I don't go out. But in summer when I go out I'll have about 3-4 drinks or cocktails and about 3-4 shots!! But of course I let someone else do the driving!!!!!!

depinding on whether i have to drive back home!?
i usually go out and get a taxi back home...that ways i drnk enough to know what's happening around me!
i hate it when people say that they cant remember what happened on their night out the day after!!!!!

Please define "Normal"!

2 drinks MAXIMUM!! Driving or not.

usually to much

If i'm going home by taxi or walking , then 1 pint of beer or a glass of wine.

4-6 pints

i normally drink tons wen i go out but i dint realise how much till i ended up in a and e and they asked me how much i drank on an average night out.
i think it worked out at around 28 units evreyone always carnt believe that am still concious wen i go out coz im pretty small but its still fun so o well :)

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