I am a amatuer in drinking and i want to know what kinds of alcohol i should stick 2 . coolers???!

Question: i dont plan of getting drunk or wasted all the time..only once every 4 or 5 months. i just want to know what kinds of drinks i should start with or keep with and ones that i should not go for...

P.s. i am pretty skiing and tall........112 lbs.

Answers: i dont plan of getting drunk or wasted all the time..only once every 4 or 5 months. i just want to know what kinds of drinks i should start with or keep with and ones that i should not go for...

P.s. i am pretty skiing and tall........112 lbs.

I would stick to the clear liquors...vodka, gin, etc. Whiskey, although tastes good made correctly will "rot your gut out". Plus, I've found that the clear ones are not as nasty to you the next day AND tend to have less calories.
Coolers are good if you really don't want to get drunk. Certain beers, lagers, and ales can really compliment food.
The safest thing to do is just get to know how each alcohol affects you. I can't drink whiskey or taquila - I get too drunk and weird.
Have fun! ( Drink responsibly).

Wine coolers are a good start. Week, but taste good and doesn't dehydrate you as quickly as other drinks.

Personally, wine. You know what is in it and know how much you are getting.

Be carefull your really small 1 or 2 and youll be drunk.If you want to relax and have a few at at party etc, I would stick with coolers or wine but it all depends.I personally dont like coolers too sweet make me feel sick, smirnoff ice is good or mikes hard lemonade or twisted tea.

if you don't think drinking is for you don't do it. you seem a little small your body probably cant handle it.

Just stick with beer if you are drinking beer or wine if you are drinking wine, depending on the situation and what your friends are drinking. Try to avoid liquor. If you DO mix different types of alcohol, remember the old adage: "Liquor before beer, never fear. Beer before liquor, never been sicker." Sometimes it's tempting when the beer has ran out to hit that booze that somebody brought, but in the morning you realize it wasn't a good idea. But if you drink a moderate amount of liquor followed by a moderate amount of beer, that usually works out pretty well.

Drink water once you realize that you are drunk, and take an aspirin or two before bed. The aspirin helps keep you from waking up with a headache, although you will still probably feel crappy the next day if you got really wasted.

One last tip: Avoid sugary or sweet drinks. Something about the sugar makes the hangover a lot worse.

These tips are good to follow if you feel like getting really drunk. If you are only having a drink or two it doesn't matter so much.

(Don't get wasted on wine coolers- it will give you a bad hangover because of the sugar.)

This may sound totally wacky, but I think you should drink something you enjoy the taste of. If you LIKE the taste of coolers (and some people do), then by all means, drink them. The key to social drinking lies not in what you drink, but in how much. Even though hard liquor has a higher percentage of alcohol than a cooler, it is usually served as a mixed drink which makes a mixed drink practically THE SAME alcohol content as a bottle of beer, a glass of wine, or a cooler.

What you want to avoid at this stage is shooters and shots, because they give you the same amount of alcohol as the above (or more!) in a single swallow and it is often easy to have too many without realizing it.

Know your limit!

I would start with a light beer (since it has the least amount of alcohol compared to wine and spirits). This way you can get a better guage on how quickly the alcohol is effecting you. Sometimes wine and/or liquor can creep up on you and all of a sudden your drunk! Try Michelob ultra (small alc content) and move up to heavier ones eventually. Be careful

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