Which is worse alchohol or marijuana?!

Question: no one has EVER died from marijuana use alone. lots o' people have died from alchohol use alone... can you guess which one i think is worse?

Answers: no one has EVER died from marijuana use alone. lots o' people have died from alchohol use alone... can you guess which one i think is worse?

As with most people who've posted here, I agree that alcohol is way worse (so is smoking regular cigarettes). Marijuana is NOT chemically addictive like alcohol and nicotine are. The only "addiction" associated with marijuana is a psychological addiction where you think you need it, but there are NO physical withdrawal symptoms as there are with other drugs. Kind of amazing it's illegal and alcohol and cigarettes are legal, eh?





Actually, healthwise alchohol and smoking are far worse than marijuna is! People don't view it that way since people can become addicts to the point where their lives revolve around it (same for drinking though!), but the auctual health effects are kinda mild!
Haha, now we have the cure for cancer! lol!

It depends on the quantity and what you mix them with. You must be very naive to think that people haven't died from marijuana use.

alcohol/ but its legal and mary jane isnt..go figure

alcohol is better though! muhahaha

I think you are correct. I don't use either one but I think moderation is the key.

Alcohol. Unless you count the people that get heart disease as a result of eating all those cheeseburgers while on weed.



Seeing as it can kill you and it is addictive, alcohol is WAY worse.

Alcohol, easily. Not only is it more carcinogenic, but the risk of physical dependence is also much higher. Cannabis causes no physical withdrawal, whereas the DT's from alcohol can sometimes prove lethal.

The health effects from the smoking of maijuana--which are mild compared to smoking tobacco--can be completely negated by the use of a vaporizer or by eating it in baked goods.

Hope this helps.

Both! Think of your future kids! What do you want them to do or not to do! Wouldn't you want your kids not to do any???

alcohol is way worse in every aspect.

the bottom line is marijuanna is illegal

After almost a half century of both I would say alcohol has the most health risks, but marijuana has the most legal risk. I do both at home in moderation and don't drive while impaired. Yes it is probably immoral, but it sure makes me feel warm and fuzzy at the keyboard.

Alcohol, and people generally don't know much about it.

Very few people can tell you what wino's in hospitals are really likely to have wrong with them.

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