Why is alcohol a depressant?!


Why is alcohol a depressant?

when its not that depressing (excluding alcoholics)

Cus the more you drink the more your spouse hates you, the more your kids think your a bum, and the more your boss wants to fire you........Ain't that depressing??

Its a drug bottom line.

The high it gives you is the same as the natural reward the body gives out for events such as sex or high excitement. Its called dopamine and make you feel kinda funky.

Then taken away again you body longs for it again and you get deperessed as a result.

because it's not a stimulate

cause it relaxes your muscles and thins your blood out.


Alcohol is a depressant drug - it slows down the action of the central nervous system. Common experiences include disinhibition, relaxation, talkativeness and sociability. Higher doses can lead to loss of control (slurred speech, blurred vision and wobbly legs) and even loss of consciousness.

you cant beat a good drink
at the weekends wind down time
mines a pint of Guinness

it makes you forget about all of your problems, and the you sort of get shocked by reality when it wares off

i think if just inhants the mood that you are in, if you dont drink that much

the more you drink, the less you think!depends who you drink it with

every high has a low that follows

'Depressant' in this sense means that it has a dulling effect on the central nervous system.

If you have ever been out drinking and woken up with bruise that you cannot remember getting this is due to the pain response being blunted by the effects of alcohol.

It is also why people drown in their own vomit. The central nervous system is befuddled and cannot respond to the stimulus that says 'wake up'.

the only thang that depresses me about alcohol
is if I run out and dont have any. LOL!

Becuase it costs so much! wwwwaaaaaaaaa!

Not all drugs are a depressant. there are depressents and stimulants and halucinagens.

Alcohol is a depressent because it causes your body to release dopamine which causes your body to slow down. It has nothing to do with the emotional feelings attached to the drug. It is all about how the drug reacts with our bodies

Small doses of alcohol act as a mild stimulant. Research has shown (always use this phrase when BSing!) that volunteer drivers on computer simulations experienced unimpaired/enhanced reflexes after 1-2 units.
However, after 4 or more units consumed within 1 hour or less the higher functions such as speech, coordination and social inhibitions become impaired, along with serious lack of judgement. Ultimately after about 50 units or more essential functions are lost and coma and mortality may result. Cheers!

Win or lose HIT the booze!

It is a short-term stimulant, hence "not that depressing" but a long-term depressant. So alcoholics are very likely to suffer from depression.

It's mainly because in metabolizing and oxidizing it the body uses up large quantities of really vital minerals and vitamins. For example thiamin (B?) and zinc.

It is for the same reason that it also leads to a whole long list of other problems if taken to excess and not supported with a healthy diet supplying all the vital nutrients.

It depresses the CNS. Are you excluding alcoholics from the question ? It affects the human brain in much the same way in varying degrees !

You obviously don't suffer from hangovers.

cause you feel crap the morning after. haha. I don't know, it makes me happier, I haven't felt as happy as I was last night in a long time.

its the opposite of a stimulant .it depresses the body slowing the functions down . to much and the heart can slow down to much and sometimes stop.and obviously reaction times. the world can feel great but all the effects on the body are caused by poisoning. it can cause deppression. but the term depressant just means the effect on the body. i.e slows it down

It really depends on your state of mind before drinking and the people your drinking &/of socializing with! If in bad mood when start to drink, will probably be in worse mood when alcohol takes affect, if start out depressed, alcohol depresses you more. If the people your with are depressed, then it follows you to will cry in your beer. Recommendation; be happy and stay away from sad depressed people.

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