Is he an alcoholic?!

Question: I just want opinions here. I know this guy, I care alot for him, he is in the army in Germany. He only drinks on off days but you better bet that if its a 3 or 4 day weekend(which usually it is) He wont be calling cause he is drunk,, then hung over, then drunk again. Sometimes he is drunk by noon. Sometimes not till late and then he calls and he is so drunk that he is laying in his bathroom in the dark rubbing mustard on his nipples.... So anyways the thing is he can say no to a shot on work nights but no matter what the time or how much he has had or what he needs to do( eat call home whatever) he will take that shot if offered. Its like he cant turn it down. He says he can but never has... He of course says he has no problem, and says its not an all weekend thing its a few drinks on one day of the weekend... But his roomate(the medic) Called the other night to say he came in so drunk and he had to take care of him like always...that he is getting a bit tired of it. And he said next

Answers: I just want opinions here. I know this guy, I care alot for him, he is in the army in Germany. He only drinks on off days but you better bet that if its a 3 or 4 day weekend(which usually it is) He wont be calling cause he is drunk,, then hung over, then drunk again. Sometimes he is drunk by noon. Sometimes not till late and then he calls and he is so drunk that he is laying in his bathroom in the dark rubbing mustard on his nipples.... So anyways the thing is he can say no to a shot on work nights but no matter what the time or how much he has had or what he needs to do( eat call home whatever) he will take that shot if offered. Its like he cant turn it down. He says he can but never has... He of course says he has no problem, and says its not an all weekend thing its a few drinks on one day of the weekend... But his roomate(the medic) Called the other night to say he came in so drunk and he had to take care of him like always...that he is getting a bit tired of it. And he said next

Is he in his first year in? I'm not saying it's a good thing but my first year in the military, I used alcohol as a crutch because i missed my Friends and family so much and i was straight out of high school. Eventually, the drinking wore off and i came to terms with things. The military is not as easy as people think. Good luck to him and you!

i would say its a problem. when i get the oportunity i drink till there is nothing left, then i want more. yes im an alco but with all problems such as this the user has to understand what and who he is . then you can understand your problem and if you choose, fix or alter it. good luck to us all.

First of all, germany.
Drinking is fairly normal in Germany, it's in the culture.
I supposed it's also especially bad if you're in the army, it's probably tough and the guy needs to unwind. Talk to him, ask him to stop getting wasted out of his mind, and to stick to a few beers instead.

Yes, he is an alcoholic. The only reason you are doubting it at all is because you don't want it to be true. Unfortunately, it is true. He won't get better until he accepts that fact, too, and decides he want to change. If he's not ready for that, do yourself a favor and be rid of him.

He may not be, but whatever he is doing, it is in gross excess. It sounds like he stays sober for his job, and if he is doing that, then I don't think he's an alcoholic, but he is possibly on the path to becoming one.

I would tend to believe the medic. The hard part is that he is in another country, and you cant see him, to offer any support etc.
Maybe keep in touch with the medic quite often, as he sounds like a caring person and wants to help.

You know, often we already know the truth. But, we just need to hear someone say it. There is a term "weekend alcoholic". I think it's also called a functional alcoholic, but that's exactly what he is. His roommate has every right to be annoyed with having to take care of a drunkard. He needs to go to AA.

As long as he's not drinking alone, then it's probably not that big of a deal. It might not be the best choice to spend all his off time drinking, but he is in the army and in germany so it's not suprising. But if he drinks alone then that's probably bad.

Nope, sorry, he is not an alcoholic.

Of course he's an alcoholic, if you need someone to take care of you then of course you are.

Do either of these "make it better" for you? It doesn't matter what I say here, or anyone else. You know in your heart/mind what the answer is, I have only one thing to say to you. Are you going to stay with him while he does this? (or are you prepared to see this through to the end?) If he is an alcoholic, only he can change things. You can't do diddly squat. (or as is sometimes said, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.)

While you have whatever feelings for him, only you can decide whether its worth it or not to stay. We could argue all night about alcoholic or functional drunk, but that doesn't matter. Listen to what your gut tells you. if you decide to stay, make sure you find/get the support you are going to need. If you decide to leave, make sure it stays that way. Do want to deal with this 6 years from now?

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