The best ways to turn down alcohol drink?!

Question: They can be funny, stupid, serious. I really don't care i just need something.

Answers: They can be funny, stupid, serious. I really don't care i just need something.

Funny: "Let me check with my liver and get back to you.".
Stupid: "Do you know how many empty calories are in that glass?".
Serious: "I'm the designated driver." or "I don't drink alcohol, but thanks for asking. Do you have soda or juice instead?".

No , not tonight thanks.

Tell them you're driving. No one can argue with that- it's responsible.

No thank you.

just say no haha just say no thanks im good! goodluck

I'm designated sober tonight (smile) you have any plain iced tea or some seltzer water with lemon?

Be the D.D. for friends not only will it be cool with everyone you will earn new friends

You know if your feeling pressured to drink maybe try a different crowd. I am of course plenty old enough to drink at this point, but even when I was younger, I always made it a point to be with people that I felt comfortable with. If I felt like drinking fine, if not great. Say whatever you want. No thanks, I'm not in the mood tonight, thanks, I've had enough, Sorry, my mom's on alcohol watch tonight, thanks, but I'm the DD (designated driver) tonight. Whatever works for you! Just be true to yourself, and if the people you are hanging with aren't good with that, then find new people!

Say alcohol is fattening, and you're watching your calories.

Just say no thank you. If they question why tell the truth. This is truly the best way to turn down a drink.

"Thanks anyway" . "I prefer to remain alert" ; or "I kind of like being in my right mind".

I'm sorry but you wouldn't drink poison would you ??? Well that's why I don't.

why would you want to turn free alcohol down whats wrong with you?

Tell them alcohol gives you horrendous diarrhea.

Just say no thanks, I'm not drinking. If people still push you to have a drink, you should really question whether you want to be friends with people who don't respect your decisions.

how bout good ol no thanks

Are you turning it down because you're trying to stay sober, dont like to drink, or are trying to learn how to turn down the offer of one at a bar?

If a guy offers to buy me a drink I usually say "Thanks, but I'm pacing myself". That usually works for me, mostly because its true. I suggest if you go out with people who drink, but dont personally drink, then just say you're the designated driver.

Sorry, I am in training for the Ironman in Hawaii.

im pregnant..or naw i dont drink.

no thank you, i am OK.

or I am designated driver.

i don't believe that you need to beat around the bush with some fancy or funny blurb. be honest, say no.

if somebody asks you why not, just say you don't drink. or you don't like xyz drink. my brother doesn't drink and he just says no thank you.

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