Long island ice tea at the bar- more alcoholic or the same?!


Long island ice tea at the bar- more alcoholic or the same?

Long island ice tea has 4 different alcohols in it:

triple sec

with a splash of coke

Is this drink more alcoholic than the other cocktails when you order it at the bar, or just the same? Why does it cost the same amount of $?

As with everything it depends on the bar. But there is a legal limit of alcohol that can go into each "Adult Beverage" which differs by state. In Texas for example the legal amount of shots in one drink is 2. So with a half shot of each that is a lot of alcohol. So in my opinion DRINK UP! If you are paying the same for a Long Island that you are a Absolute and 7 what a deal.
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Me... I'm a Bartender.

i dont know, but i love them

IT depends on the bar. Most use just a splash of each....nnot a full shot.

One of the bars I go to makes an amazing long island.. and yes it has way more alcohol in it then anything else.. and it actually costs less.. No clue why!

It has more alcohol, trust me! Most bars price drinks according to the alcohol in them.....if you are having a drink with a few different kinds, then they will take the alcohol with the highest price and charge you for it. And then other bars just have set prices for specialty drinks like Long Islands.

if the entire drink consists of five liquors (you forgot the gin) and a splash of coke, and a splash of sour mix (you forgot that too) and the glass is filled, what do you think? it's 3/4 alcohol and 1/4 non. If it costs the same as a drink with one shot of alcohol and is made right you are getting a bargain. after one drink you should really be feeling good.

It's definately stronger. Just one is about the equivalent of 4 beers. If you get one share it with a couple friends and make sure you're sober evough to drive before leaving. It may seem silly but they are really potent.

in most bars it is a well known fact that people order LIIT for,the alcohol content only so most charge accordingly, the only thing o don't like in my ice teas is tequila do, put gin and a lemon wedge', If the bar is not charging more than regular drinks then either the bartenders is new or he likes you or is not putting the right amount of ingredients

It's much more alcoholic, especially if the bar tender does what the recipe calls for. (Splash of coke, mainly for coloring.) It also usually does cost more. In San Francisco, for example, most well drinks at the average bar cost around $5 and Long Islands cost $8. This is mainly because you're getting way more alcohol. It's a good deal if you want to be economical about spending. But if they're not mixed well, prepare for a thick, sweet concoction of nasty. (Also beware of Tokyo Tea.)

here it is... it really depends on the bar and or how well you know the bartender. i find the ones i make at home are usually better although i use the proper mix for color BRANDY not cola. any real bartender should tell you that. but many don't want to give you 100% alcohol for cost reasons and liability. that's why most bars will only serve you 2 or three max.

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