Favorite Brand of Vodka?!

Question: Mine are Chopin and Grey Goose.


Answers: Mine are Chopin and Grey Goose.


Never had Vodka and the comment you made about Skyy, I don't think I ever will try. eeeewwwww!

Grey Goose!

It doesn't really matter because you can buy super cheap vodka, and just run it through a water filter loads of times, and you'll have super awesome vodka in no time...so I guess my favorite kind of vodka is whatevers cheap cause I can make it awesome in no time....

Umm, well I've only had Smirnoff heh.

I like smirnoff, since its like triple filtered, it takes a lot of that edge off, but you can try a nice russian vodka like stolichnaya

Belvedere. Only way to go.

Grey Goose

grey goose if i have money

absolut if i have a little money

and skyy if i have no money

Grey Goose

Finlandia is the BOMB! I like it straight up, on the rocks or with OJ.

Since my political beliefs won't let me purchase any product from that pathetic two-faced country called France (that rules out Grey Goose) I would have to say Absolute

I drink Skyy, and my buttock hasn't bled in the last 3 to 4 years I have been drinking it, and my insides are still intact. Maybe that only happens to punks. My favorite drink before vodka was Bacardi 151.

chilled Stoli

how about smirnoff and absolute vodka....

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