Do you drink to much on a night out.?!

Question: do you feel really bad about it the next day? do you remember what you did?

Answers: do you feel really bad about it the next day? do you remember what you did?

I used to, but as I've gotten older and wiser I've found that I can't 'pay' for the previous night as I did before.

That and on top of having teenage kids, I kind of have to set an example about responsible alcohol consumption. An be open and honest about the affects of alcohol.

My drink of choice these days is a glass of wine everynow and then with supper. That's about it now.

Make good choices, be safe, don't drink and drive.

Not much,3 pints of standard beer.

Not any more. If I drink too much I get sick for 24 hours, so have learned my limits.

lolz i always drink 2 much :P i dnt feel bad just realli hungover and ill :S and usually i cnt remember a thing till im proper sobered up,things tend to *** bak 2 me =]


I had to stop drinking for these very reasons. I don't seem to have that inner "cut-off switch" of most people. I got tired of not remembering the night before and going through my day with a hangover.

I seldom drink more than 7 pints of session beer on a night out, so I'm only a little bit merry. The next day I feel fine

I don't drink

I always seem to get flash backs the next day, they are what I call OH **** Moments.

I drink till I drop & insult everyone in ear-shot

I don't drink, might have a beer shandy if pushed but it just does not appeal to me . When i was younger i once got so drunk , the bed i laid on spun around and i got so sick and that was the last time. :)

Nearly always too much, and I always feel really bad about it the next day, my hangover makes sure of that.

Drunk all day monday and all day wednesday,feel awful and paranoid lol

Been there done that - old enough to know better

I don't go out on full-on nights out much but when I do, I do drink waaaay too much lol.

I'm only 18 so I don't suffer as much from hangovers YET!

I never get too drunk to forget what I am doing.

those days are long over-not worth it-

i don't drink i have a liver disease

i drank far to much last time i went out i spent a fiver on a pub meal and the other 45 on Bacardi and coke and yes i felt terrible the next day and pretty skint and all for a night i remember very little about

occasionally i drink to much but i rarely do anything silly that i regret. I refuse to let myslef get to the state where i will forget things or doing things out of character.

I do not drink alcohole

I usually hit that spot in the evening where I know I've hud enough and move ontae the wee colas. Once or twice, I huv hud too much and spend the next day wonderin' whit I huv been up tae!! That is a nightmare. I never get a hangover, which is great fur me. If i stick tae lager, I'm fine next day.

1 glass of wine, on rare occasions 2 glasses. Don't feel bad about it and do remember what I did.

no i don't. i drink only about 6 pints

i try not to and no i never feel bad about it

i drink waaaay too much on a night out, i rarely remember what happened and if i do remember i normally cringe - ''did i actually say/do that??!!'' - sort of thing!

Unfortunately I do drink too much, way too much. I drink way past the point where most people wouldn't remember it all, but I remember every detail clearly. I usually drink enough that I'm hung over the next day and there's a high risk of me doing something stupid while I'm drunk.

Because of that I try to only drink when I'm alone. Minimizes the risk of stupidity.

I have a really bad habit of getting too drunk on a night out, on those nights I wake up with very little or no memory of the night before. Its horrible, and its a really bad feeling, not to mention the physical feeling bad of a hangover.

I definitely feel bad about it the next day, so much that I have almost entirely quite drinking lately. I pick and choose my times wisely and monitor my alcohol intake level alot more.

How are you supposed to know if you even have a good time while you were out partying with your friends if you cant even remember it in the morning? SUCKS! :)

Hope this isnt a problem you are having, but if it is I wish you the best!

I usually spend too much, that's the only thing I feel bad about the next day, unless I can't remember her name.

yes I remember everything I did thank GOD.

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