Wine speacialsts please lol?!


Wine speacialsts please lol?

so i'm confused. red wines stay at room temperature? and white ones chill? but what about pink? and when you open a bottle and put the cork in it, is it okay to sit on your counter top for months and then drink later? please help me with what i should do with whites, pinks, and reds. ( also I buy mostly cheap wine, and alot of boxed wines ) I just need to know how to store them. someone made fun of me cuz i had red wine in the fridge yesterday.

Red wines are supposed to be "cellar" temperature which is around 65 degrees. White and Blush wines (pink) you normally chill. If you re-cork it, it should be fine for months as long as you have it corked air tight and nothing got into the wine. Wine is stored on its side so it moistens the cork and creates an airtight seal. Red wine is normally served closer to room temperature than chilled, but many people like their reds chilled as well. If you like your red wine better chilled, keep it in the fridge. Don't listen to the pretentious twits who say you have to drink this wine with this food or you have to drink red wine at cellar temperature. Drink what you like whether it be $5 or $500 a bottle (or box), room temperature or chilled.

White wines should be served chilled. Red wines should be served at cool room temperature. Pink wines should also be served chilled. Wines should be stored in a cool, dark place, laying on their sides. Once uncorked you should drink it within about a week.

Since you're buying cheaper wine, it's your preference. If you like to keep wine in the fridge and it tastes better to you, that's fine. Usually you can keep a good bottle of previously opened red wine sitting out for months as long as it is sealed with a cork. I would keep opened boxed wine, and wine that has a screw cap refrigerated, as well as some lighter colored wines.

The term 'room temperature' comes from centuries ago. In those days, rooms were cold. They did not have heating. Therefore, room temperature for red wine means apprx. 15-16 Celcius. If you are living in a warm climate do put your red wine in the fridge for a while before you drink it. Also, once opened, red wine will not last long unless your kitchen is cool, it does not get direct sunlight, and the bottle is well closed with the cork. Even then, I suggest you consume it within a week or so.
Pink wines (rosé) should also be slightly chilled before drinking. I never buy or drink wine in carton boxes. You may use them in cooking. Good wine should be in a dark colored bottle and kept away from heat, sunlight, and vibration (noise).
I live in Cyprus, which is quite warm with long hot summers. I do chill my red wine in summer, since the weather gets as hot as 40+Celcius (over 105-110F). Wine will go sour if I keep it outside in that heat.

Red wine is typically consumed at room temperature (that is around 70 degrees F.). After it is opened, and re-corked, you can leave it out of the refridgerator for a day or so at the most. It will store much longer (up to a week or so) if you place it in the fridge. No one should laugh at you for doing this as anyone with any sense would do the same. Tell them that! Pink, or rose wine, is typically served chilled, as it white wine,. As for storage, it ALL goes in the frige after opening. Incidentally, a modest glass of chilled wine will warm up nicely to room temperature by putting it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Enjoy!

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