I don't get it, what's so great about winetasting?!


I don't get it, what's so great about winetasting?

Are my taste buds just dulled by all the sugars, processed foods, and crap that I eat? Are my taste buds just not developed enough? I seriously don't get what wine is about. I don't feel it matches with food at all. In fact, everytime I drink it with food, it makes me nauseous. People act all snobby with the nuances and subtleties of flavors and "complexities" and I have no f-ing clue what they are talking about. When I drink it, all I taste are grape skins, alcohol, bitterness, and some weird corky woody flavor that is apparently so valued.
I don't like beer either.

Additional Details

3 months ago
Personally, I like a nice glass of normal unfermented juice with my food. All I find that wine does for me is tinge my palate with this weird nasty taste and all I taste throughout the dish is not the delicious beef or duck, but that disgusting alcoholic essence.

3 months ago
Here is my take on food and wine:
a long time ago, people made juice out of grapes. Having no refrigeration, they left it out too long and thus it fermented, having but no choice but to drink the spoiled juice. After a while, an acquired taste was developed for this. As for wine complementing or enhancing flavors, I feel alot of people force this into their heads. Alot of people feel like the food tastes better because of the wine only because they feel like "this is what's supposed to happen". Wine as a flavor enhancer or complement is merely a self fulfilled wish. I could take any liquid and trick myself into analyzing flavor and aromatic complexities and even piss could match up with my favorite dessert or meal if I really tried hard enough to think about it.

3 months ago
Personally, I like a nice glass of normal unfermented juice with my food. All I find that wine does for me is tinge my palate with this weird nasty taste and all I taste throughout the dish is not the delicious beef or duck, but that disgusting alcoholic essence.

3 months ago
Here is my take on food and wine:
a long time ago, people made juice out of grapes. Having no refrigeration, they left it out too long and thus it fermented, having but no choice but to drink the spoiled juice. After a while, an acquired taste was developed for this. As for wine complementing or enhancing flavors, I feel alot of people force this into their heads. Alot of people feel like the food tastes better because of the wine only because they feel like "this is what's supposed to happen". Wine as a flavor enhancer or complement is merely a self fulfilled wish. I could take any liquid and trick myself into analyzing flavor and aromatic complexities and even piss could match up with my favorite dessert or meal if I really tried hard enough to think about it.

Jenarul is correct. It is an acquired taste. Just like you can taste the differences in liquors, or recognize grandma's baked beans from aunt Sophie's baked beans, so it is with wine.

I find it strange that so many people feel drinking wine is sophisticated. In some countries they drink wine because the water is bad. It was a common everyday beverage like soda is today.

i don't like it

Yup, I think you're pretty much broken.

Honestly though, there's nothing snobby about it [though there are snobs, yes, but the act itself is not snobby]. It's about eating and drinking afterall. It should be a good time.

I try to teach my friends just to take a bite of food, taste it, and then take a sip of wine and see how the wine complements the food. What flavors are highlighted in the food with the aid of the wine.

Truly, it's supposed to be fun!

The best thing is the buzzzzzzz

If you don't get wine/food pairing try this:

Get a piece of fine chocolate, let it melt in your mouth and take a sip of Cabernet Sauvignon.

Then let me know

The best part is that you are not there.

it is fine that you feel that way, I do get the whole food thing neither, but I do like wine

and I love Beer

it gives rich ppl a chance to say that they have a "job"...unless they actually worked for their money and didnt inherit it

Don't sweat palates are individual

If you are a smoker it will def. effect how things taste

but as the snobbiest of sommliers taught me

if you like it drink if you don't don't

It is an aquired taste. The first times the bitterness strives through, but after about 5 or even 10 times, you'll start differentiating the tastes, and understand how different wines can enhance the flavor of your meal. Vice versa the meal enhances the taste of the wine.

For me it is very relaxing and usually only drink wine with dinner on a Friday night when we have some guests over. I don't know about all that mumbo jumbo either. But I have learned which kind of wines I like, and which ones to stay away from. I like something that gives a little prickle on the tongue. I suggest trying something from South Africa or Australia. French wine and Italian wine are bitter and unpleasant for me. Besides, they are so "cliche".

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