Have you ever drank alcohol underage?!

Question: im 13. ive never gotton drunk but i have tasted beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages. most of my friends have to. we arnt bad kids we just take little sips from our parents. i was just wondering how many people underage have drank.

Answers: im 13. ive never gotton drunk but i have tasted beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages. most of my friends have to. we arnt bad kids we just take little sips from our parents. i was just wondering how many people underage have drank.

Ya i have gotten sips before.

Haha I'm 20 and never been drunk. Most I've had was 2 glasses of wine with family. So yes, I've drank underage but never at a party or with friends. Only with family where I'm safe. Oh well one time I had half a strawberry daquri at a concert I shared with my BF at the time...but the amount was so minimal.

im 17 and well thats a silly question to ask a h.s student in 2008

My parents let me drink as long as I'm with them. My mom even buys stuff for my friends & I but we can't leave... But I drink at parties & stuff but she doesn't know that hahaha

I'm 16.

I have but I do not recommend it if you can not do it responsibly

i have never drunk underaged alcohol

13 is too young to be drinking... wait till junior/senior year of high school..

I started drinking in 7th grade. We'd party and get drunk all the time. I'm not proud but I was young and stupid. I'm 20 now and drink sometimes. When I drink now its only a little, maybe a glass of scotch or a fine anejo tequila..

Yep! And by the time I was legal, I knew how to drink responsibly.

Now when I drink I enjoy it, rather than get smashed. But I guess sometimes you have to take a few falls to learn your limits, and in my case it was a swan dive into debauchery. XD

Yep. I did the same when I was growing up. I don't drink much these days. Just remember, everything is good in moderation. Do not get plastered, you do not know what other people might do to you if you pass out.

well let me tell you something her I'm turning 20 and the legal age to drink in canada is 19 and ive been drinkin since i was 14 and now i cant go without alcohol more than a day or two and i wouldnt advise anyone to drink it looks cool and people do it to be part of a crowd and i think 13 is way to young to be drinking trust me kid there no need to be drinkin at that age you should be thinkin about girls and school work but if you feel like you still want to drink i wouldnt advise drinking liquor or beer i think wine or champagne would be a better choice for someone your age i hoped i helped you out and thinki about what i said

Yes i drank when I was under age! i didn't have parents that drank so i got it from the older crowd! But i never went to far with it! i didn't like the feeling of not being able to control myself so i never got wasted.

Most people drink underage. Statistically speaking, the average age most people have their first drink is 12 years old. I'm 17 (legal age where I live is 18), and I've gone to parties and been drunk before. Its really not all its cracked up to be. It doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, it can just make you do some things you might regret later...

I imagine almost everyone has.

Yeeeaaah every friday to the point of puking =] but I've stopped with that now it's stupid really and I'd prefer to do something fun eg sports or just hanging out =]]

im 16

honestly everybody does it, its part of life, just live with it, as long as you dont become an alcoholic

How stupid are you? Your a girl and your 13 freaking years old. Wow, you sure are going to live till' 100. Why don't you grow up and learn what matters, not drink alcohol. Have fun destroying your brain and body, idiot.

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