I drink occationally but when i have 2-3 drinks in me i started to get red and like rashes or bumps all over?!

Question: i dont know why im like this everytime i drink i cant lie if i've been drinking lol..and when alcohol is out of my system or kinda like sober already it will just go away.Take note i just drink occationally and not get hammered.

Answers: i dont know why im like this everytime i drink i cant lie if i've been drinking lol..and when alcohol is out of my system or kinda like sober already it will just go away.Take note i just drink occationally and not get hammered.

You might have a genetic thing, which is more common in asians (I believe 50% of asians have this, from what I read).

Basically, you have two enzymes in your liver/stomach to break down and metabolyze alcohol.

The first turns alcohol into acetalehyde, which is MORE toxic than alcohol. Having too much of this does cause you to become red.

The next enzyme turns acetalehyde into acetic acid, which is what vinegar basically is.

The mutation gives people alot of the 1st enzyme and not so much of the 2nd. So, you drink alcohol and can turn it into acetalehyde quicker than most people. But you remove the acetalehyde slower than most people. The result is you have a prolonged period of exposure to acetalehyde and in much higher quantity than most. This causes redness in the face.

If you happen to be asian, this is almost certainly what is going on. I would reccomend not getting hammered if you have this, as the acetalehyde will build up and make you quite sick. Also, when you do drink, only drink something which is tasty and drink it slowly. This should delay the amount of time it takes to convert the alcohol to acetalehyde.

it sounds like you might be mildly allergic to alchohol

What exactly are you drinking? It is a cocktail with fruit juice mixers? Rum, vodka, whiskey, wine, beer? Is it good quality liquor?
All these things might be a contributing factor.

It depends on what you're drinking. You need more specifics. I have a friend who breaks out in hives whenever he drinks only a certain type of beer. Other beers he can drink just fine. He's allergic to an ingredient in it, is our guess. You could have an allergy.

I have a friend that has this same problem. It sounds as if you do have an allergy to the alcohol. She takes a benadryl before she drinks and it always helps her. I know they say not to take medicine and drink, but if it's the only thing that helps I don't know what to say. I know benadryl is a pretty strong allergy medicine so maybe try something a little weaker. Hope this helps!

sulfides in wines, dyes in mixers, really bad well liquor...
diet ANYTHING mixers...citrus...hops, yeast...
next time you have a few drinks, ask the barkeep, (only if you know him/her) and they may have an idea of more pure consumables
I would venture a guess it's the refined sugar or citrus...next time, try to stick with the one drink for the night and see what ya got...the more refined the liquor, probably the better.

I have such thing too. But I am getting red when I drink for two or three days. I asked a doctor about it and she told me that it is like allergy. There are certain ferment in human organism which breaks down alcohol. And when there is not enough of this ferment such a reaction appears.
I know to ways to solve it:
1. Stop drinking and go to sleep.
2. Continue to drink! Then your organism understands you won't stop and it have to adapt to it.

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