Are you supposed to chill Rieseling (sp?) before serving?!


Are you supposed to chill Rieseling (sp?) before serving?

I have two kinds, one red and one white... but am totally clueless in this matter. Thanks!

A general rule of thumb:
Red wine, 65 degrees (F).
White & rose wine, 55 degrees (F).
Champagne & other bubbly, 45 degrees (F).

To get to those temperatures reds can normally just be kept in the cellar. This is also called "cellar temperature." Whites and rose's can be put in the fridge for a few hours, and the bubblies longer. It is far better to use an ice bucket. Fill the bucket up with ice about 4/5ths, cover the ice with water. If the "room" temperature of your reds are over 65 degrees, immerse them for five minutes; whites and rose's for ten minutes; and bubblies for fifteen to twenty minutes. Light reds such as Bardolino, Valpolicella, Nouveau and Plain Ole Beaujolais, and others of that weight should soak nearly as long as the whites.

There are definite temperature zones where wine types seem to display more flavor as well as fruitier, fresher aromas.

We've run a number of blind tasting tests over the years involving the same wine at different temperatures. Often, the differences are so dramatic that unsuspecting tasters actually believe that they are tasting different wines. In any case, moderately tannic reds like Merlot has been shown to taste "better" to most people at slightly lower than normal room temperature -- somewhere between 60 and 65 degrees Farenheit. If your room is around 75, you'll definitely need to stick it in the fridge for at least half an hour. After that it's personal taste. I, for instance, don't mind a bit more of a chill; and so I like a red in the fridge for at least an hour.

Yup. Doesn't have to be ice-cold like beer or soft drinks, but it should be below room temperature.

Riesling is a white medium dry wine and sould be chilled to around 45 to 55 degrees. Not too cold or than you can't taste the wine until you mouth warms up

Red Riesling??? Always chill Riesling, but I've never heard of it red....Red wines....I know Beaujolais is best slightly chilled...otherwise, red wine is best at room temperature...white wines chilled...except Beaujolais...a red wine nicely chilled.

Most people prefer red wine room temperature and white wine chilled. Personally, I prefer red wine a bit chilled and white wine chilled. I am a Merlot drinker and it is tough finding restaurants where they keep red wine chilled at all times. I feel people will enjoy red wine slightly chilled and white wine obviously more chilled. Enjoy!

Id check your label or the color of your wine again. Riesling is a white wine. And yes it should be chilled because it is white.

There is no such thing as a red riesling.

White rieslings shoulde be enjoyed chilled.

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