Those who are newly legal to drink?!
I did it from the age of 16, and now i'm has really lost the meaning and point..
I can't see the fun in getting legless anymore..
Anyone else discovered this ?
Answers: Do you find that it isn't as fun anymore, now you KNOW it's 100& legal ?
I did it from the age of 16, and now i'm has really lost the meaning and point..
I can't see the fun in getting legless anymore..
Anyone else discovered this ?
You are so right, now that I am 21 now it is not as fun any more. When you are underage I guess you feel like it you have to sneak to drink.
I just turned 21 and as they say in the old blues tune "The thrill is gone."
I still like to play pool though, and maybe drink 3-5 beers. Just no more benders where I try to find my limit.
Well it all depends on the group you hang out with, If you hang out w/ people who are in to the party seen than finally turning 21 will be a new adventure to experience. Like going to nice clubs and getting bottle service is always fun. Or just going to dive bars. You also meet a lot of different people at the club / bar seen. also when you turn 21 you learn of a lot of new drinks out there ones you never would have tried. PLUS getting carded is always nice.
Nope and I don't want to ether.
i love beer
yes but i started drinking around 13 and getting tore back drunk isn't fun now i do it on accident not on purpose I'm 23 now and only drink 2days out of a week i think that's good compared to 24/7 like i was for a while.