What is negative in alcohol ?!

Question: Besides when woman is drinking, she will have a sick baby.

Answers: Besides when woman is drinking, she will have a sick baby.

binge drinking is immature and irresponsible. and stupid.
im in college and its all like 90% of people do.
there are better ways to have fun.

also im adopted and my grandparents were HUGE alcoholics and it has been thought to be hereditary and i dont want that crap.

plus i know people who have died in car crashes because they were drunk and they drove, or got hit by someone else that was drunk.

all my friends in highschool..we never used to drink and we were all best friends. senior year half of them started drinking and it really tore us apart. it just messed things up.

it just not worth it.

and the negative thing IN alchohol..well it IS a poison.

drinking a few beers ocasionaly or a glass of wine is fine..but with everyone i know, that never happens. but i am 18, and in college.

idk. i'm underage but i still want to drink it. only the fancy stuff though.

drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, child abuse, emotional rage, alcoholism, the list goes on :D

alchohol is basically a posion to your body, but the side effect is getting drunk instead of worse side effects that other posions have.


It stops the mind from growing and impairs judgement. -- The growth of grooves on the brain are delayed.

Ulcers, cancer, money problems, bodily injury from falling, and the delicious thing we all love.. Brain Damage.

not a sick baby, just a retarded one.
other than the impaired judgement, and people doing dumb things because of it. nothing.
responsible drinking, even responsible excessive drinking, is always part of the equation of having a good time.

Every sip gets you closer to holes in your brain. YOU ARE DOOMED!!!!

Hmmm...barfing, staggering, falling down, accidentally sleeping around, addiction, poor choices, hangovers, fetal alcohol syndrome...shall I continue?

It causes more death and destruction than anything on the planet.

weight gain, anti social behaviour and possible depression, impaired decision making abilities, extreme cases can cause severe life threatening health problems, like liver damage


I see the anti-everything brigade has beat me here!
As long as you drink responsibly, you will have very limited or no problems with Alchohol. Just like anything else, too much can harm you. Just take it easy!

not having any, running out... hangovers shityy as hell. being an alcoholic.

Well, having experienced the gamut of emotions surrounding that spirit in college, have seen more than my fair share of negatives in others and in myself back in the day. The health side-effects of binge drinking are evident for one. And if you do not have a strong group of friends that look out for each other and not just the good time that is most definitely another--I was in college at Ohio State when Stephanie Hummer went missing and was found much later in that unfortunate state..all because her friends went ahead to a party without her, and while she stumbled along Pearl Alley in Columbus on her way to South High while intoxicated and alone--a place dark, with hidden doorways and dumpsters, ripe for seedy types--she was abducted.

I am so glad that I had good friends around me, or I probably wouldn't be here right now...we kept each other from driving by scheduling a designated driver, or just having the party at a friends house where we all could crash out, when we walked to the campus bars, we arrived together and left together--the rule was, I don't care if you think he is cute, get his number and call him tomorrow, you can be mad at me all you want, but at least I know you will be safe.

And definitely the phrase, "In Vino Veritas" is true...in wine there is truth. Alcohol amplifies what type of person you are and amplifies the testosterone levels..which definitely plays a part in the "angry drunk, or easy target" labels. It heightens any emotions you are feeling to an insane level if you go overboard.

Moderation can be fun when alcohol is not made the focus of the party...plus it isn't fun to see someone with alcohol poisoning, to get violently sick, have a raging hangover, or wake up feeling like you licked carpet, or worse, to not remember what happened and how you got to where you did.

If you must party, know that you have good friends that have your back in any situation, party safe, so you can party another day and everyone around you can too regardless if they drink or not. A great time, is one without casualties.

it hurts your heart, body everything!
you feel hot and you don`t feel like yourself..
So, please stop. =)

its horriable.

it kills you liver ... then if that goes u die!!

When you use your credit card to buy booze.

Alcohol is beneficial in very small doses. It raises HDL cholesterol levels in your blood which is good. Anymore than 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink a day for a woman is too much.

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