Vodka..straight from the bottle...?!

Question: and my friends...were worry we are all 21.........anyways....they had vodka.....and i took some....about a shot or two..and poured into a party cup..and drank it straight.....they were all like omg..dude do you need some mixer with that...i was like noooo....and they were all like telling some get me soda...and were makin it a big deal....

my question is is it a big deal?...i mean i like it straight...or did i just make my self look like a fool?

Answers: and my friends...were worry we are all 21.........anyways....they had vodka.....and i took some....about a shot or two..and poured into a party cup..and drank it straight.....they were all like omg..dude do you need some mixer with that...i was like noooo....and they were all like telling some get me soda...and were makin it a big deal....

my question is is it a big deal?...i mean i like it straight...or did i just make my self look like a fool?

the older you get the more you figure out that you drink what you like and dont give and f what people think

That's gross.

yuk, it's like really strong tasting, unless you are drinking really expensive stuff, even still, Strong!

Well it's kind of like having mayo straight from the jar. It's no big deal, but your friends would want you to enjoy it more by spreading it onto something like a sandwich. Or it's like having strong coffee without cream and sugar. Most prefer it with something, same with vodka.

That' pretty hard core. It's a big deal if you hate puking.

If you like it, then just drink it... heaps of people drink vodka straight. Tell them they're p*ssies for having to mix it ;-)

you made me just throw up in my mouth...a little.


Only way my grandfather drank it- of course it was straight from the freezer and he was Ukranian.

They just can't do it like you. Haha, tell 'em chasers are for wimps!

thats the only way... its the best haha

Straight vodka is common. Most will at least chill it though.

vodka is great when you drink it strait. i like grey goose its the best, chilled too, i keep it in the freezer.

Well, typically you drink shots from a shot glass, but no. People drink vodka straight all the time. It might have been the cheap stuff and tasted like butt to them, or they were just surprised at your bold nature.

If you're going to drink vodka straight, drink a good quality brand, it will go down smooth. :)

Try adding some vermouth next time and you have a vodka martini. Very sophisticated.

If it's good Vodka then it's good straight up. However I have to mix the cheap stuff, it doesn't taste as good.

Well you'll definitely get drunk faster that way. I think the risk they meant is the discomfort of drinking straight vodka, and the adverse affect that alcohol that concentrated can have on your body. Don't make it a habit, but occasionally, it's fine.

straight vodka drinkers.... MMM??? unless your russian or canadian, I don't think you can pull it off here in the states pal. Unless you want to look like a drunk

I drank my Vodka straight on my 18th (legal in Australia).
I had 2x 350ml bottles, which fitted in my bag. I drank 1 at home with juice, then the other straight on the way to the pub.
By the time you finish, you are too drunk to care that it was straight...

Vodka doesnt really have much taste to it anyway..

People drink straight whiskey too dont they??
Scotch on rocks?

normally you mix vodka with something but its not a big deal if you lke it straight from the bottle

hell no, you dont need ta mix that ****, you just real man is all and can beat the heat, drink up, mixers for dixters.

No, shotting vodka is normal. It's just easier to pace yourself when you mix drinks.

you are fine as long as you know you're limit. The thing with vodka is that if you drink too much or too fast it can nip you in the butt quick. One minute you can feel sober then the next be toasted. I like Vodka straight too when I drink, nothing wrong with it.

Not if your Russian I was late to a friends birthday party and had to drink a cup of Sky Vodka straight I though I was going to die I no am no longer late to anything.

No big deal, you like what you like, I would have said to them: "I'm not asking YOU to drink it"

You can drink any alcoholic drink straight. It just means you got more guts than them, lol. Vodka is one of the easy ones to drink straight.

I've been in the beverage business a long time. The only true way to appreciate the flavors of any alcoholic beverage is by drinking it straight. However, some are not made with a whole lot of quality. Fact of the matter is, people drink what appeals to their own tastebuds. It may seem strange to others, but they just may be thinking of getting drunk rather than enjoying what they drink. Worst case scenario, you can make some money challenging others to drink it the way you do without making faces!

No big deal. Vodka is called neutral spirits because it has virtually no flavoring of any kind. Whiskey takes on flavor from the wood casks it is aged in. Gin gets its flavoring from Juniper berries. Rum, from sugar molassas. So, drinking a shot of vodka is no defferent then a shot of whiskey, and the alcohol content is about the same, 80-86 proof. I drink straight vodka all the time. Well, not ALL of the time, just once in a while, but I do it and think nothing of it. I keep the bottle in the freezer and pour out an ice cold shot once in a while. You have to be careful here. Some freezers will get cold enough to actually freeze the vodka. Mine sits at about 25 degrees at which point vodka is still liquid, the alcohol content being a natural anti-freeze. And then, you have to be very careful not to freeze-burn your tongue. The below freezing alcohol can freeze the saliva on the surface of your tongue and THAT can be very painful, even worse then if you sipped too hot coffee and burned your tongue. Russians drink it straight and chilled and think that is the ONLY way to appreciate the sharp bite that vodka has...

Maybe they're just being over-protective, and they want you to have a good drinking experience. Straight vodka is probably nasty, in their opinion, and so they thought you would think it was nasty too. Maybe they thought you hadn't tried it before, and you were just "winging it".

no its not a big deal because you only drank it straight once righ ? if you did it like more than 2x then thats pretty bad.

whats the big deal? true, vodka does taste sooo much better straight from the freezer, wonderful syrupy texture. anyone who can't stomach it is a pansy

Most people mix a soft drink or orange juice with vodka but if you liked it straight then it is your choice.

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