Is it REALLY bad if under age kids have parties with alcohol?!

Question: How bad do you think it is if underage kids, high schoolers, go to a friends house and drink?

Answers: How bad do you think it is if underage kids, high schoolers, go to a friends house and drink?

I think it's normal. I can remember doing it a few times. However, most of it was just experimentation, and I was very cautious (one or two drinks, here and there). High-schoolers have heard a lot about alcohol and drunk-driving through school. They know it's dangerous. There will always be a few kids who start partying hard in high school. Those kids are probably predisposed to doing that. I don't think they are the product of parents who gave them prudent room for experimentation. On an unfortunate benefit, at least alcohol is legal. I believe kids who get caught possessing marijuana or other drugs can lose federal funding for college.

What kind of a question is that?? It's not only bad and dangerous and irresponsible... IT'S AGAINST THE LAW!!!!!

It is not absolutley horrble if you have like one bottle but having like 5 and getting drunk does you no good and it depends on the age if your at least 16 then yah i guess its fine

as long as they arn't hurting anyone other than themselves I say they should be allowed. Just have a DD and teach them first hand about the pains of a hangover.

yes it is say with cake&ice cream and party hats.

Of course!! It's TERRIBLE!! Underage kids and teens will get bad habits and think it's okay to drink and that could totally RUIN their future!! Then they will get hooked and their life will never be the same!! DON'T DRINK!!

Hahaha....yes, it is really bad. You're breaking the law and putting more people other than yourselves in danger.

Well its definately not GOOD, but if its done in moderation, say once a month for a couple of drinks, its not too bad. Ive witnessed alot of my friends go overboard and get alcohol poisoning, so it's not something I do.

people will say its bad but look
im sure everyone who is on here has done it
its all a part of growing up
i wont be so quick to say yes its bad because i did it and the majority of people if not all of them have drank before it was legal

it seems fun and all : you get there , have you first drink talk with friends Until 12 drinks later you are ready to go home and complete drunk and you drive the car , and get in a accident and your parents have no idea coz you told them you are going to the movies then sure its fun, my mom always told me the youngest i could have a drink was the day before my 21st birthday , and even at that age it can still be bad, so i just drink at a bar were people would stop me from driving when i was drunk

Not necessairly. In other countries in the world the drinking age is much lower. In France its 14. As long as its not Binge drinking and theyre responsible and not driving while drunk, i see no problem with it. alcohol has been a part of human culture for centuries, its not wrong to drink at all, but it is wrong to get wasted without regard to the consequences.

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