Is it ok to drink when you feel depressed?!


Is it ok to drink when you feel depressed?

It depends. If you are on any medication then don't mix it with alcohol because it normally greatly enhances the effects of alcohol or can be harmful to your body.

If you are alone then drinking isn't a good idea either. When you are in a social setting with friends or family having a glass or two doesn't hurt. It will probably relax you a bit and you'll have more fun.

From experience I went through a stage were I was depressed and I did use alcohol to cope with it. I was basically drinking every day, except for two days when I worked. I wouldn't drink myself stupid, but I'd have a couple just to get that buzz. Though I would still occasionally write myself off. One night I was so drunk and it all came crashing down and I ended up throwing an extra spirit bottle and smashing it against the wall just because I was so down that it made me angry thanks to the alcohol. I got over that eventually but the alcohol did only provide a bit of temporary relief, plus it was an expensive 4 or 5 months when I was stuck in this cycle.

I think It's OK if it's once in awhile, but it's a slippery slope. It's much, much better to exercise when you're depressed.

not a good idea want to talk about it ?

No, because you will only be drinking to "escape" being depressed, and the same problems that got you depressed will still be there the next day.

its ok, once in a while, be with somebody you trust though

not only is it ok its the law

of course not! that just leads to more problems...

Hmmm it is after 12pm here.........might go for a beer.

Only until be comes a habit, or in worse cases an addiction. I would suggest not going down that road, and find something healthier to use to deal with stress.

**** yea. Drink all ******* day fool. XD

no it just makes you more depressed...have some chocolate (the darker the better) chocolate will stimulate some hormones that make you feel better (proven in med testing in the last 6 yrs.).

yea sure and pop a few pills while ur at it...


Uhhhh no! Alcohol is a depressant and will make you more depressed. Maybe not at first but after a few or the next day or etc. Not wise.

...alcohol is a depressant, there are better alternatives.

absolutley. As long as you are of legal drinking age. And do not operate a motor vehicle. Do not listen to the whiners that say that alcohol is a depresent. I like every one else has had ups and downs but drinking has never hurt me. I suppose everyone is different- or I have never been depressed. The hard stuff should be monitered though.

alcohol is a depressant. So it is never a good idea to drink when feeling depressed. You may start out feeling the euphoria from alcohol but it will quickly pass

i guess so..i hear that most people do that anyway...

If you are referring to alcohol, NO. Alcohol is a depressant.


OK?!? It's expected!!!

Don't you listen to Country Music???!!!???

i'm no doctor, but i have found that alcohol makes your current emotions 100 times worse.

Alcohol is a depressant.
Not a good idea at all..this is what leads to alcoholism and dependency on the legalized drug.
alcohol has destroyed more lives than all the wars of the world...
The alcoholic says the 1st drink was too many and the last is not enough...
walk, talk, write down your feelings call a friend, even eat some dark chocolate if you dont break out in hives from doing so; anything but do drugs, legal or illegal.
the only reason alcohol and tobacco are legal is bc the government can control it and collect taxes on it and these companies that produce it are the biggest drug pushers in the world, not to mention the richest . all facts
think twice, but it's ultimately your choice.
bad choices lead to bad outcomes always in life..always

No, it will only make you feel more depressed. It does not solve anything, it will only make you feel worse.

no that is self medicating

i never drink when i'm depressed or mad

No, it will only further make your mood depressed. Call a friend and talk instead.

sure why not as long as you aren't hurting anyone its fine i think :).

never try 2 it.... it's the foolish way 2 act!!!

Instead, call a friend or go for a long walk (alone or with a friend).Make sure that u do not talk too much about your problem.[doing sports can also be a solution-I think].....

Returning home,do something u like and do not think about your "problem" . Good Luck

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