How to drink vodka?!


How to drink vodka?

My boyfriend and I are planning on getting drunk together soon. I don't know how to actually drink vodka.
How do I do that?
Do I just mix it in with another drink in the same glass?
Or drink it first or what.

I'm so confused!!

Additional Details

3 months ago
My boyfriend and I are planning on getting drunk together soon. I don't know how to actually drink vodka.
How do I do that?
Do I just mix it in with another drink in the same glass?
Or drink it first or what.

I'm so confused!!

I know what to mix it with
I just don't know HOW to mix it.

3 months ago
My boyfriend and I are planning on getting drunk together soon. I don't know how to actually drink vodka.
How do I do that?
Do I just mix it in with another drink in the same glass?
Or drink it first or what.

I'm so confused!!

I know what to mix it with
I just don't know HOW to mix it.

I hope you are of legal drinking age in your jurisdicion. If so then let me help you. I do not recommend doing shots of vodka, esp. if you have not had it before. Put ice in a glass, at least halfway full of ice, or more. Pour 2 shots of vodka in glass over ice. Then add mixer: fruit juice, soda, ect. Best sodas are Sprite or 7 up, orange soda, mt. dew. I DO NOT recommend cola or root beer. Juice, or lemonade is always really good.

Again avoid shots and only have about one drink per hour, cause hard liquor kicks your ***. Dont mix with beer or wine either.Stay away from shnapp's too.....too much sugar to make you sick.

Well, it takes some guts to drink it straight for the first time. I'd suggest making Bloody Mary's with it. Just search the internet for recipes for it.
You can also just mix it in coke or whatever pop you like.

one swallow at a time?

You should not "plan" on getting drunk. Prerequisite drinking does not always work. You should plan a fun night doing something free of alcohol and get to know each other.

Try it in a cocktail, it's fun and tastes nice. I personally recommend something like a White Russian. It'll get you drunk, it contains a lot of vodka and it tastes nice (provided you like milk, if not, use coke instead, which is a Black Russian). Once you are used to it and you know your limits, you can do shots, but most drinkers will tell you it's not the best-tasing alcoholic beverage in the world. Be open to all alcoholic drinks and of course, most importantly, don't overdo it!

Vodka Gimlet:
1 1/2 oz Vodka
1 oz Lime Juice
1 tsp Powdered Sugar
Ice cubes

Shake with ice and strain into a glass.
Very tasty and effective!

Well...I'm going to assume that you are legally allowed to drink and that you trust your boyfriend (and that there will be no driving). Otherwise this is a bad idea.

Vodka is good mixed with orange juice or cranberry juice. There are other, more complicated cocktails you can make with it (it's a neutral flavor, so it's great in mixed drinks)--but since you aren't accustomed to mixing your own drinks, it's best to go simple.

I like to take a sugared lemon and suck the juice into my mouth and hold it there while I take a shot. It tastes great and after you take your shot, bite the lemon. It is called a lemon drop, and it has became one of my favorite drinks.

Try this.....

Lemon Drops....

Stoli vodka chilled
Martini glass sugar the edges....
Lemon Wedge

Suck on the lemon
Down the shot as you would a tequila shot.....

The mixture of the sugar and the lemon makes it taste like a Lemon Drop-The candy

If you don't usually drink hard liquor i don't advise Vodka UNLESS you get the good stuff as in Kettle One or Gray Goose. If you try the cheap stuff its harsh and has the WORST hangover i have ever had. I do a Kettle One and 7 or Gray and cranberry. =) have fun

dont drink vodka for the first time, you will deeply regret it the next day, rum is a better choice mixed with cola, one part rum, 4 part cola, youll get a good buzz and wont regret it the next day, trust me.

The traditional way to drink vodka is straight, out of a small glass and in small sips. Of course, any hard alcohol is an acquired taste. When I first started drinking vodka, I mixed it with sprite and orange juice. It tastes like punch when done like that.

mix it with orange juice its called a screw driver.

vodka straight is very strong. not a good idea to drink straight up. drink mixed.

I've been mildly drunk twice.... Both times I just did vodka chasers. Get a shot glass and fill it. Swallow the vodka and immediately drink something good like a soda or some juice to get the taste out of your mouth.

It takes about 4 vodka shots me to get tipsy. I always stop at 6 because I don't want to go overboard.

Put it in the freezer, it will not freeze because of the alcohol content. But it will taste better.
Mix it with orange juice, grape juice, red bull or clamato. Mix it in the same glass or use a shaker.
I tried this once, take a sip of vodka on the rocks, while the drink is still in your mouth have a drink of Sprite. Try Belvedere vodka.

The ONLY way to drink vodka is in a vodka tonic.
One shot vodka
Two shots tonic water
lime wedge
Pour vodka over ice then add tonic. Top off with the juice of a lime wedge. Three of these and I'm done, no hangover, and they go down GREAT!

how old r u? 1.5 shot glass of vodka per 16 ounces then a cool refresher soda like 7-up always makes a good drink or pink gratefruit juice with 2 shots = pink grayhound get to u but good for u

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