Life or DEATH! please i need help fast!!!!?!

Question: ok my friend drank a bunch of alcohol people at the party said it wasn't that much but he is completly wasted he kept spitting and he vomited a lot i finally got him home and he is sleeping right now, when we were outside he was breathing weird which scared me but i think it was becacue it was freezing outside, he is asleep now and i checked his breathing and its normal, from what i know he had vodka mixed with redbull and then some straight vodka too. i have no idea of the actual amount. Right now i'm letting him sleep it off. It is 11:23 right now if i wake him at 7 would he be ok? is there anyway i can check to make sure he is still ok i'm freaking out right now any tips or suggestions would help. is there any chance he could have alcohol poisoning he vomitted and he kept spitting but i finally got him to my house and he is sleeping and he is breathing regular please help!!!

Answers: ok my friend drank a bunch of alcohol people at the party said it wasn't that much but he is completly wasted he kept spitting and he vomited a lot i finally got him home and he is sleeping right now, when we were outside he was breathing weird which scared me but i think it was becacue it was freezing outside, he is asleep now and i checked his breathing and its normal, from what i know he had vodka mixed with redbull and then some straight vodka too. i have no idea of the actual amount. Right now i'm letting him sleep it off. It is 11:23 right now if i wake him at 7 would he be ok? is there anyway i can check to make sure he is still ok i'm freaking out right now any tips or suggestions would help. is there any chance he could have alcohol poisoning he vomitted and he kept spitting but i finally got him to my house and he is sleeping and he is breathing regular please help!!!

Keep a vigilant eye on him. Keep him on his side in case he vomits in his sleep - aspirating it could kill him. Just rouse him every so often - as long as you can get a halfways decent response (as in "DUDE - leemeealoooone") it should be OK. If at any point he fails to respond call 911. That's no joke there.
Good luck and tell him to take it easy next time.

i think he should be okay, keep an eye on him to make sure he keeps breathing, if he vomits anything black call an ambulance

Jesus, how much did he have. I will check back on you... try and figure that out

if its life or death,. shouldnt you call 911. or if he dies, it will be on your head the rest of your life. just call 911. i'm sure the parents will not hold it against you if you save his life. they may even buy you dinner.

Watch his breathing. If it gets faster or he gets cold, call 911 immediately. Alcohol poisoning isn't a joke. And when he wakes up, let him know that drinking Red Bull and alcohol is a terrible idea. Alcohol is a depressant, red bull is a stimulant, your body doesn't know what to do. It's much easier to get seriously sick when you mix drugs like that.
If nothing changes, he should be fine. But watch him. I would wake him up throughout the night and make him drink some water. Crackers are a good idea too, if he hasn't thrown up for a while. Good luck

Call 911 now!

yes but he needs to sleep but you need to tell him about what he did. it could be hes getting too uch aand he could die if hes not careful mabye it was his heart that was having problem.

oh my god let him sleep girl cause hes gunna wish he was dead in the morning bin there done that

he is stupid just check his heart beats, and when he wake up spit in his face

i would call poison control, especially if your both over 21, even if your not it wouldnt be a bad idea to call and see what they have to say, if its serious you will have to get help either way. tell the m the situation and see what they say. they will no what to do.

Just keep checking on him , he should be ok ....and he's lucky he has a good friend to take care of him....Good Luck

Oh gosh take him to the hospital!

1st why would you let him drink that much?
you better wake him up and see how he is he might have alcohol poisoning.
Which can be deadly.

OK, the good news is he vomited, so maybe some of the alcohol left his system.

Watch him closely, this is not something to screw around with. My gut tells me to call an ambulance, but if you are willing to stick close that is up to you.

Keep him off his back. Keep watching.

This guy owes you HUGE.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Don't listen to Jeffrey, we know you didn't LET him do anything.

How old is your friend? Is he used to drinking?

It is up to you if you call an ambulance or not.

If you want to teach him a lesson and keep him alive, call the ambulance. They will pump his stomach and give him an antedote.

Sounds like your friend wasn't thinking very well when he decided to drink tonight.

Ask yourself why are you asking strangers for emergency help...

Quit freaking out and DO something.

if he is conscience just ask him how he is.If you think his overall situation is ok,then don't worry.If not take him to the doctor it is always better to be safe rather than sorry.

If in doubt get him to the hospital. Not long ago a woman drank too much water and "died" from it! She was trying to win a 911 to be on the safe side.

Irish Red is right! Watch him closely! Too many people, famous and otherwise have choked on their own vomit due to their own stupidity! Isn't it sad that what we do to our bodies in the name of "fun!" Tell him to grow up so he understands that one or two drinks are okay but c'mon do you really have to feel like crap to have fun??? Geez... everything in moderation people!! So you lose a night's sleep at least you won't regret it the rest of your life that he was an idiot and killed himself! There is always the risk of alcohol poisoning but if he's already vomited hopefully he got rid of some of it! You are doing the right thing! Don't hesitate to take him to a hospital if you feel the need.

he is fine.........if he hasn't had a drink with in an hour its all in his system....meaning he isn't going to get any drunker......give him a puke bucket and make sure he doesn't sleep on his back, because he could puke and drown in it....if he is that drunk he is gonna be still drunk at 7 would prolly take a 150 pound male 20 drinks in 3 hours before he is facing alcohol poising which is hard to do.......if he is puking that is good......if he starts pissing his pants and starts feeling cold that is alcohol poising......

i'd keep checking on him till like 2:30 ish....make him like count to 10 or something every half hour....

i don't know how serious your situation is, but it sounds like a typical plastered person.....if he starts convulsing (ie shaking pucking and doesn't know where he is at) take him to the hospital.......getting bitched out by your parents for drinking is far less of a punishment then loosing a friend.....

but just keep your cool throw him in the shower and just make sure he is aware of whats going'll prolly wake up and laugh it off in the morning....

final thought:

if he is shaking and pissing take him to the hospital

if he is just pissing and breathing ur fine..but keep checking on him and don't let him sleep on his back....

good luck

Keep an eye on his pulse and respiration. Watch and see how many breaths he takes in a minute. . 12 to 20 breaths a minute are normal. Also check his pulse at the wrist and it should be between 60 to 90 beats a minute. If he varies too much from that call 911. Otherwise, he should be fine if he sleeps on his side in case he vomits in his sleep.

Here's the deal kid go to
go up top to where it says Home
click on that
Go down to where it says Drink Wheel
open that up and start punching in numbers
Anything over .like 18 give the ER a call and see what they think
One more thing :If you're going to make an error in judgement then do so on the side of caution
You have huge responsibility on your shoulders right now and it may be in the best interests of your friend and yourself to hand it off to people that do this every day .
Calling 911 may be your best choice tonight
Good luck

watch him closely and DO NOT be afraid to call 911. Poison Control would be a good idea to start. That way you can get some answers from a professional. Good Luck and make sure you slap him in the face in the morning...or make him a bloody mary.

Make sure he's not sleeping on his back or his stomach incase he vomits again, you don't want him to choke. If he keeps vomiting, call an ambulance.
It sounds like he'll be ok. Just make sure he keeps breathing regularly. When he wakes up in the morning, give him some Gatorade. He'll be really dehydrated and probably feel really sh*tty. If he's not too nauseous when he wakes up, have him eat somthing greasy.

He could die of a heart attack at any time tonight. Most likely, he will suffer a nice hangover in the morning. Give him a good vitamin and protein (eggs- bacon-toast with butter) when he wakes up. When you can, ask him why he wanted to self destruct with the drinking.

If he's sleeping let him sleep. He is probably going to be fine unless he has to be somewhere at that time then i would let him sleep it off depending on how much he drank he may still be drunk eighther way he is going to have one hell of a hang over. You will know if he has alcohol poisoning when he gets up. The only thing he needs eat when he gets up is dry bread to soak up the alcohol. DO NOT FEED HIM ANYTHING GREASEY OR ELSE HE WILL START VOMITING AGAIN AND THAT CAN BE REALLY BAD AS THAT WILL DEHYDRATE HIM.

keep an eye on him to make sure he keeps breathing, if he vomits anything black call an ambulance

I think he should be OK but you should keep checking on him and i mean wake him up to see how conscious he is he may not be able to answer you but make sure he knows who you are give him some water later on cause his trough will be like the desert wake him maybe in about 2hrs if he mumbles stuff to you that make sense well you good to go bottom line just watch him and next time tell him don't be SO foolish and drink SO much energy drinks and alcohol

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