For the sake of sanity should shops go back to closing on sundays?!

Question: have you noticed how days we used to call hollidays or breaks from work are spent in so called superstores, only christmas day is left alone? but god know for how long.

Answers: have you noticed how days we used to call hollidays or breaks from work are spent in so called superstores, only christmas day is left alone? but god know for how long.

I think they should! Where I live, sundays are "ruhetag" which means "silent day" in german. All stores and supermarkets are closed, and even though sometimes you wish it was open because you forgot a certain ingredient or NEED to buy a new shirt or something, this forces you to do something other than go spend money and be a total consumerist.

The Sabbath was designated as a day of rest,so why not use it as a rest day.

thay shoudnt

For the sake of whose sanity? It's surprising how many states, or counties still have blue laws requiring stores close on Sundays. It's your choice to be in the stores on the weekends. I do that as little as possible as I don't want to devote my entire weekend to chores and running errands after working all week. If it was driving people insane, then people wouldn't be shopping on Sundays, and the stores would have to close anyway. I think it's just you.

The choices, or laws, vary around the U.S. Some places don't close stores on Christmas Day. My son lives in southern California near Palm Springs... stores are open where he is.

Personally, I don't care if they ever close. I shop when I have to, not just for the sake of shopping or JUST because a store is open.

What does sanity have to do with shops being open or not on Sunday? As long as shop workers get their fair amount of time off, no...shops shouldn't close (unless they don't have enough business on Sunday to warrant staying open).

I remember when Louisiana had 'blue laws' (that ended back in the 1980s) and you couldn't buy anything but food or gasoline on a Sunday. No clothing or non-food retailers could even be open. If a supermarket was open they couldn't sell you a broom or a lightbulb, only food products. It didn't make sense...if you are open, sell anything you have available for sale.

If stores want to close for major holidays, that's fine (they should be able to). Used to Thanksgiving Day, Xmas day, and Easter Sunday were the holidays they closed for....I've no issue with that tradition returning as people who celebrate those holidays would likely prefer to do so and not have to be at work.

For the sanity of the poor checkout staff, yes!

Sadly, in many places there are stores and restaurants that are still open Christmas day.

I think that may not be a bad idea, however I am a stay at home mom. So I can do my main shopping during the week.
So many people have no choice but to USE Saturday and Sunday as shopping and chore days because they work and due to work and commute hours, by time they get off and get home... even if they are single or childless, after a work day and commute many nights people may not get home until after 6pm. If they are in a relationship or have children, available time to take care of shopping (I am not social shopping) main not even happen until Saturday afternoon (In my house, we have Gymnastics and Soccer until as late as 3pm on Saturdays) so if I worked, my only free time would be Saturday evenings or Sundays after church, even then, there is still family time and Sunday luncheons or dinners.

For sake of sanity, I agree it is time to SLOW DOWN. However with that unlikely to happen, we can't force already busy households to try to fit in shopping chores throughout already busy weekdays or Saturdays.

I think shops should close on Sundays. Not for the sake of sanity but for the sake of Christianity. Not a churchgoer myself but I do think it's yet another part of the British way of life that has been forsaken in the persuit of the ££££.

Yes, but it will NEVER happen.

TESCO are too GREEDY.!!!!!!!!!!

Think about it, if the stores WEREN'T open round the clock, only a third the number of employees would be needed (and they would all have to work harder because EVERYBODY would shop during the same eight hours a day, instead of it being spread out. Since the stores would be closed at night, deliveries would all have to happen during the day, making traffic even worse.

Great idea!

Sanity has nothing to do with it. Sunday is a day of rest only to Christians who, even though some of them do not believe it, are not the entire world. To be politically correct, we would have to also keep shops closed on Saturday, so as not to offend the Jews. We would have to keep them closed on Friday, so as not to offend the Moslems. Why don't we just keep all the shops closed all the time so as not to offend members of any religion?

Yes, I would be great to have lazy Sundays back!! Days where you could just go out for a walk, and not have to dodge all the traffic on the road, racing to get to do their shopping in the few hours that the shops are allowed to open!!

I think that the shops are open for long enough hours for people to get whatever they need.....they could be closed for at least one day of the week without causing too much inconvenience!! Lets have lazy Sundays back!!!!

Most definately! And not just Sundays, they need to go back to closing Holiday's too....most do, but you still find the ones that are open. For the love of God, take a day off! I remember growing up, hardly anything was open on Sundays and if it was, it closed at 5pm. Have a good one!

I think in America many people would want everything to be open 24/7 just in case you need to buy shoes and mustard at 3:43AM on Sunday.

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