At what age did you stop regularly getting asked to show identification?!

Question: I'm 25 now (I admit it, I still look like I'm 19), but I've noticed that I don't get asked to show ID at bars, clubs, restaurants, or casinos quite so frequently anymore. It still happens much more often than not (perhaps 7 of 10 times), but not like when I was 23 (perhaps 9 of 10 times) and especially when I was 22 (every single time).

But then, my father got asked to show ID while trying to buy a beer at a ball game a few years ago. He was 62 at the time.

Answers: I'm 25 now (I admit it, I still look like I'm 19), but I've noticed that I don't get asked to show ID at bars, clubs, restaurants, or casinos quite so frequently anymore. It still happens much more often than not (perhaps 7 of 10 times), but not like when I was 23 (perhaps 9 of 10 times) and especially when I was 22 (every single time).

But then, my father got asked to show ID while trying to buy a beer at a ball game a few years ago. He was 62 at the time.

I'm 26 and still get ID'd, but definitely not as much as I used to. It also depends on who I'm with and where I am. I usually don't get questioned when I order a Manhattan or Old Fashioned at an upscale place, but some of those chain restaurants and liquor stores are obligated to ask.

Then again, I look like I'm 19 too!

Depends on how you look! I guess.... My friend is 16 and they dont even card her because she looks so much older!

I was around 33.

I think it was the grey hair that has dominated my head since I was around 30. At least there is still hair there!

around 30

i will be 36 this month and i still get ask for id. i am always hasseled most going into a casino.

they still do some times and i am 38....

does it really matter......they just want to make sure you are here legally

Alot of places, you have to have an ID period. The Bartenders or wait staff are legally bound to ask you to present it, regardless of age

if you frequent a place often, there's no need to card anymore. but i wasn't even 30 yet when i stopped getting carded...any sports event though, i'm always carded

I rarely get carded, when I was 19 they really kinda stopped checking. On my 21st birthday, I went to a bar with my dad and was begging to be carded, and no such luck. It's probably because I've been 6'5 with a beard since I was 16...


I'm 37 & still get ID but it is cuase most states now require that they have a law that they stores have to id x amount of people a day ------so it's not that you look young they just have a protocal

My husband is 34, last year he got asked 11 times.

I'm in my late twenties and get carded every single time. As a matter of fact I have had 2 people ask me to please remove it from the plastic case so they could see if it was fake?! Then show other employees to see what they thought.

My husband said I look 13, though and everyone thinks my kids are my siblings. So, they might card me till I'm 40. lol

i'm 32 and still get carded regularly

Law states to ID anyone who appears to be under 42- since there are high fines involved it is understandable that if in question responsible people check rather one time to many than to less.
I'm 37 and still get carded....

The first time I got carded, I was 23.... and on my honeymoon. Naturally I didn't have my license, so I had to settle for the virgin version of the drink. Dang it.

The last time I got carded, I was 38. At a Styx concert in Hershey Park. On my birthday. lol

I'm 42 and more than likely look it to most people, so they don't bother to card me. The waiter did card my mother-in-law, when we were on the Disney Wonder this past fall.... and she's something like 68 or 69. lol

i get asked more now in my 30s than I did in my 20s. I think it is awesome that somebody thinks I look young...what a confidence booster. :)

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