Wines from Luxembourg?!
Wines from Luxembourg?
Hi, I am from Luxembourg, and one of the things I miss most is the wine - Rivaner, Sylvaner, Riesling, Elbling...does anyone have a clue where I could possibly find Luxemburgish wine in the US?
For some reason it is almost impossible to find Luxembourg wines - I have only seen them once, almost 35 years ago.
They have no reputation at all in the new world (you cannot even find mention of them in wine books). One must do with
wines from Alsace or (if you can find them) from similar climate and lattitude wine appelations like northern New York, the Niagara peninsula of Ontario, and (the best of the three) British Columbia.
What you should do is to email or post to the Luxembourg vintners association (whatever it is called) and ask if there are any North American importers.
Well well, I did not know Luxembourg had a wine industry. It is such a small country. I used to listen to Radio Luxembourg as a kid. Eh, no sorry I don't know where you would get the wine, but I will be on the lookout for it.