How bad is a hangover?!


How bad is a hangover?

Hey well tonight im going to my friends birthday and he says theres going to be lots of alcohol, im 15 and never been drunk. Iv always wanted to try it, but can someone explain to me how bad a hangover feels? or share some stories with me, thanks.

Do not get too drunk hangovers are horrible- bad migranes and more just drink a few if you are going to drink but i suggest you don't

There are varying degrees of hangovers.. And they are all pretty bad. But this is something that you will have to find out for yourself my young grasshopper. Please be responsible and don't get ehind the wheel tonight, okay.


like, you are too young for drugs and alcohol! These things will **** your body.

But any how, all my hangovers have come when I had pot as well ( Man , a few beers and pot = really dangerous combo. I was seeing fractals when I closed my eyes till evening the next day. But that's cos we had a surfeit of weed, and my friends left me alone with a couple of joints, by mistake, they say, but any ways.). So can't really help you there. Good or bad , you'll have to handle it . And don't drink and drive.

Don't drink in excess, like you should eat something along with your drinks, and avoid drinking neats if you want to avoid puking your guts out. I love tandoori chicken with my drinks!

PS- avoid smoking if you can! Its not cool, and really difficult to kick off, and way more dangerous than booze. You smoke one and then some days later you smoke another one, and soon you are upto 2-3 fags a week, and you think you have it under control, and then it soon becomes 2-3 a day. And then you are a a packet a day. It loses its potency, you know, you have to smoke more to get the same "kick" as your system gets used to it.

You are 15! I would not recommend drinking at all!

well even though i'm a mom i'm not going to preach to you because i've been there and done that a few times. the feeling of a hangover really depends on what you drink,,beer, wine,,alcohol,,or a combination, but i dont recommend for you to mix the kinds up. if you eat before you drink it won't hit you as hard but dont eat anything heavy, or greasy it will make you sicker. i stay if u do drink then don't over do it enough for a hangover, limit it to like 3 or so, thats plenty and u will still have your buzz be careful, dont drive anywhere or go anywhere with anyone who has been drinking. stay the night whereever u drink at...or have someone u know go get u at a certain prearranged time.

A hangover can be as bad as a bad case of the flu, just doesn't last as long.

You're too young to drink. Drinking destroys reason in intelligent, responsible adults, it's even worse in children. There's a reason there's a minimum drinking age. The best you can hope for is to wake up really sick wishing you hadn't done all the stupid stuff you did the night before, and you WILL do stupid, embarrassing stuff. I just hope it's nothing dangerous that ends up hurting or killing you or anyone else.

You got the whole rest of your life to be an adult and do adult things, and just a few years left to be a teenager, right now enjoy being a teenager.

head pounding
world spinning
puking even if you have notta to puke
gross tounge and mouth,
besides if you have real friends they won't let you go overboard. at 15 drinking is not very smart. It seems so funny teens think it is so grown-up to drink, yet it is the most immature choice you can make besides drugs.

When I was 15 I almost died from taking too many shots-trying to be cool and wanting to know what it feels like. After busting my face on the concrete and puking my guts up for hours, I finally fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up feeling like a knife was going through my head and puking all day. I honestly wanted to die. It was the roughest day of my life. Please be careful.

its pretty bad try drinkin alot of water before u drink and if u can remember try to drink water while u drink a friend of mine once told me to drink like a half a glass of water for every beer or shot or whatever but thats pretty hard to remember especially if ur gonna get like really wasted which sounds like u are u get hungover becuz ur body is dehydrated also try some aspirin before u go to bed that is if u can remember

Hangovers are for winners! Do it mate!

Don't do it. You're too young to drink. And I promise you that you WILL puke and probably make an *** out of yourself if you have never been drunk before.

Any time you drink hard liquor your hang over will be horrible. If you are going to be drinking beer all night you will probably have a headache the next morning, but since it is your first time it probably wont take much for you to get drunk.

Sorry, but your too young to be experimenting with alcohol. You have plenty of time when your older. Hangovers can really be rough depending on what people are drinking and how much and sometimes people end up with alcohol poisoning and have to go to the emergency room for treatment.

Hangovers can be ok, bad, or worse. Once I only had 3 beers one night, and the next morning I threw up some milk. One time I drank 10 shots of whiskey and smoked a few bowls. I puked that night, and three times the next morning. Once I drank about 10 beers and I puked that night, but the next morning I was fine. I even felt better than usual that morning. Drinking can be really weird, it depends on the food you eat and how much you eat. If you want to drink without puking that night or the next morning, I think this is the best way to do it: Drink a couple glasses of water before you start drinking. Also, eat some tortilla chips with hot salsa. Once, when I did this, I drank about 2 full glasses of 80 proof vodka.

im NOT going to preach to you, i drank when i was your age.

first off since youare wanting to get drunk i suggest you drink vodka. drink about 2 shots and see how you feel. if you feel like you can handle more then take an other shot or two. but i dont siggest any more than 4 becaues you are a beginner. also to prevent a hangover you need to stay hydrated. so be sure to drink lots of water or gatorade throughout the night.

Just bang the back of your head against a brick wall a few times. Then have someone kick you in the stomach 2-3 times. After that spin in circles until you feel nauseated. That should put you in the mood. The stories are only funny way later.

So 4 days later how was you first hangover? Hope you didnt go too mad on your first time. Hangovers are not funny so hope your ok!

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