Alcohol or weed?!

Question: i drink every day and find it relaxing to have a few beers on a night time (usually 6 stellas or more) but i wake up feeling rough with a dull aching in my lower back. would it be better to have a couple of joints instead ?

Answers: i drink every day and find it relaxing to have a few beers on a night time (usually 6 stellas or more) but i wake up feeling rough with a dull aching in my lower back. would it be better to have a couple of joints instead ?

ok.. this is what i recommend. having the six beers, even though it seems to make you relaxed, makes it very hard for your body to relax while you are asleep. actually, its harder for your body to relax while sleeping than if you had not drank the beer. my advise, as this is what i do every single night for years, and i wake up refreshed at 6 am everyday, is to smoke some green every night to relax, do it after your last meal of the night so you have made the consious decision not to go to the pantry for munchies or overeat during dinner, and relax with ONE beer... also, weed has been scientifically proven to be non-addictive, but alcohol is addictive and you dont want to wind up an alcoholic just because of 6 beers a night trying to relax. Go buy a bong, and enjoy a great night's sleep with no back pain in the morning. also, take an ibuprofen before you go to sleep, just to ease the pain you already are experiencing.

Better to detox

Neither is good for you.

wee. drink it.

Why not one joint one beer?? :)

Maybe, although you might find it harder to actually get out of bed in the morning.

You must be having more than "a few beers" for your lower back to be aching. That sounds like your liver to me.

no that would not be better, alcohol isnt good but in my opinion weed is worse

lol early death huh? stick with water!

no it wouldn't be better to have some joints, 6 stellas is alot especially as stella is a stong beer.
Try cutting down to 2 or 3 stellas, that should help

Cut down dude before IT cuts ya down!...

i used to smoke weed all the time. it dosent make you feel rough like an hangover in the morning, but it does make you feel tired and grogy.
id try cutting down on the beer, 6 stellas at night will make you feel rough.
dont substitue one bad thing for another either.

Better to face up to reality and do neither.

Neither. Get to your GP bout your lower back

I get hangovers from alcohol, I have never gotten a hangover from smoking weed and generally sleep quite peacefully.
So if you're looking to get rid of your hangovers, Weed, definitely.
Remember, however, that each person's body chemistry is a little different, what works for me might not work for you.
Good Luck!

one is legal and the other could land you with a holiday ay her Majesty,s pleasure nick nick

I don't think so. Just cut the beer back to a couple and stop with that. It may keep you from becoming an alcoholic.

That's apples and oranges in my opinion. 6+ beers a day though is way too much. Personally I can't drink everyday like that, it makes me feel like raw meat after a couple of days but a beer or two a night isn't uncommon. On the other hand I could smoke all day every day with little to no recourse other than I would gain a ton of weight from all the junk food I would be eating. Both have their merits but things of this nature are only good in moderation when used responsibly and I think you're crossing a line with your drinking.

smoking weed usually makes me tired & lethargic the next day, try alternating smoke one night, drink the next.

Dull aching lower back? either side of the spine, or the actual spine (centre)

if its either side that aching would be your Kidneys crying in pain. Just left hand side probably your liver.
If its your back probably just the mattress you sleep on.

try warm milk

people are so uptight on here.
A lot of them are getting all anal about it.
WHO CARES! do what you want!
lol you're gonna die one day anyways.
Make the most of it.
I bet all of them are old and whiney anyways!

one joint one beer neither of them is good for you but hey who am i to say

Anyone who has both drunk alcohol to excess and smoked pot KNOWS for a fact that the drinking will make you feel like death the next day while marijuana has no physical effects the next day. Fact by fact alcohol is FAR more dangerous than MJ. You don't have to think very hard about this to know this is one in the history of the world has EVER died of from a marijuana's simply not possible...nor has anyone ever blacked out or done things they deeply regret doing while under the influence of pot. Pot doesn't raise your blood pressure, kill your liver and brain cells, make you gain weight, make you wreck your car, make you violent, oh I could go on and on. The fact that alcohol and cigarettes are legal and marijuana is not is completely ridiculous. If marijuana were legal there would be much less cigarette smoking (leading cause of preventable death in the US) and much less alcohol consumption so therefore people would be healthier, families would be healthier, there would be less alcohol-induced violence and the world would be a better place. Maybe one day common sense will rule. If alcohol and cigarettes are legal, which they should be, marijuana should be, too. I don't need science to back me up on this, although I'm absolutely positive it would, I know this from experience. Nothing makes you feel as horrible as you feel after too much drinking. I have never ever felt bad from too much pot smoking. bottom line. I'm sure many, many people would agree with me.

Not really, you may feel good at the time but its addictive nature and side effects not to mention the huge hole in your pocket as you need more and more arent worth it!!

Really I'd just find another way of relaxing, boxing or a woman with a good appetite (not for food) or something... de stress another way and not drink so much.

Definitely weed!

The only thing i hate about weed is cotton mouth...with alcohol you dont get this...but I still like I would probably drink a few maybe like 2 or 3 then smoke a blunt or 2.

maybe 1 joint...if you woke up every morning and had a COUPLE of joints you would be all f****d up hahaha

I wouldn't endorse the use of weed, it is really really bad for your mental health, you could end up with schizophrenia, which will greatly reduce your quality of life. If the stellas are giving you a hangover, why not try those real ales there's always offers on them and they're great for small local breweries. They are on offer in most places, and you get drunk much quicker because they are 5 % proof!

Pot makes you as stupid and it is still illegal. I'd try a dose of reality, it really does work.

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