How long will beer last in fridg.?!


How long will beer last in fridg.?

I am not a beer drinker, but i have some beer in my frige that has been there for about a year and a half. Left over from a party and instead of throwing it away i thought, it being in a cool place it may be still good. If it is not i am going to throw it out. It's always been cold.

Oh, too old. It'll taste stale. Since you're not a big beer drinker, toss it instead of having it take up room. Or donate it to your neighborhood wino, he'll appreciate it.

A lot of people go through beer to fast to notice it has an expiration date on it like most things. Throw it away. It's well over outdated.

It may still be alright. Offer one to a friend to test, if you do not drink beer at all.

Throw that stuff out. Beer usually is only good for about 3 months or so. After that it can become "skunky". Basically it starts to smell and taste bad. One thing you have to remember is that alcohol contains yeast and if it is too old that yeast can multiply and can be unhealthy to consume. Your better off throwing it out.

Do you have any buddies ?

> Beer is pasteurized.
> I doubt you could really tell by

> the "freshness date" any diff.

> "Is there time for another"?




If it was pastureized ???
but remember you can always use it in the compost box.!!
I would pop a brew watching Letterman, next morrning, a half can of warm, flat brew,,, right to the garden.
always had bright green leaves happy lil things.

About one day in my house. Just kidding! I doubt that it would still taste probably isn't spoiled but just won't taste as good as new beer. Open one and try it. Maybe break it out at the end of the party when everybody is drunk and they won't notice :-)

On the bottom of the can is a used by date -

throw it out. its waaaay too old for human consumption. get rid of it.

Is it past its exp. date?

Throw it out. Bottled and canned beer starts to sour and turn to vinegar after about 120 days. In fact, grocery and other stores that sale beer, have their beer rotated so as to sale the oldest first to avoid from having the distributors remove it and charge them back.

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