Is my getting hammered everyday causing my really bad heartburn?!

Question: yes, it most likely is the cause. I would really think about getting "hammered" everyday, but to each their own. if you want to continue that lifestyle, i would take Pepcid AC or any other brand of acid reducer. But please think about the damage you are doing to your liver. I'm not one to judge, we all have our own crosses to bear, and I too got hammered everyday when i was in my early 20's. I am only thankful that i "grew up" and realized there was more to life! I wish you the best! Also, sometime people drink alot to help them "forget" about problems with their family or life. Maybe you should sit down and write a list why you drink? what makes you happy? sad? I bet you can figure it all out and just get hammered on the weekend! it's a start! good luck!

Answers: yes, it most likely is the cause. I would really think about getting "hammered" everyday, but to each their own. if you want to continue that lifestyle, i would take Pepcid AC or any other brand of acid reducer. But please think about the damage you are doing to your liver. I'm not one to judge, we all have our own crosses to bear, and I too got hammered everyday when i was in my early 20's. I am only thankful that i "grew up" and realized there was more to life! I wish you the best! Also, sometime people drink alot to help them "forget" about problems with their family or life. Maybe you should sit down and write a list why you drink? what makes you happy? sad? I bet you can figure it all out and just get hammered on the weekend! it's a start! good luck!

definitely could be...


It's a very good probability.

That's a fair assessment. And what do you think it is also doing to your brain?

Probably so. Lay off for a bit and see if it makes a difference.

Could be.

My fiancé has a hole in his stomach lining from drinking too much. Because of this he produces too much stomach acid, which is one cause of heartburn.

yes. antacid might help. better yet, cut down on stress

could be. causes many health related problems. even if you're just 'partying' and not a true alcoholic. be careful.

well your blood pressure is elevated. that's not good. time for a doctor appointment.

Esopageal varices

Here is what you do. Drink as much as you can.
Develop esopageal varices and a really bad liver.
Your esophagus bleeds and you digest the blood.
Oh oh blood is very high protein and your shut down liver can't handle it. You will be spewing coffee ground consistency blood and bleed out.

Good luck with that. People will just stand by and watch you die. They may try blood transfusions but once your coagulation is totally frigged up it won't work.

Getting hammered is hurtin' you more than the heartburn!

That's just the beginning dude.
You're on the high road to all kinds of chronic symptoms.
Soon you be fatigued all the time.
Then your eating habits are going to fail you.
Sleep deprivation is just around the corner..
So yeah..........I'd say a minor little issue like heartburn could be attributed to your irresponsible choices.

yes, my boyfriend has heartburn all the time.

If your blood pressure is 149/88 you are NOT in great shape.

That is high. If you are as young as I think you may be it is VERY high

I suggest you seek medical...and psychological attention at once! You are not only deteriorating your digestive system, but your brain, as well!

Yes, it's very likely. Alcohol tampers with the acidity in your stomach... that's just the beginning of it though... for instance, if you get so drunk you throw up, you might have damaged the muscle that controls what goes in to your stomach from your esophagus (and keeps stuff from going back up again). Also, if you drink a lot you might not be taking care of yourself in other ways, like eating an optimal diet, and that can make a huge difference. You can certainly reverse some of the damage if you cut back on drinking and cleaned up your diet. Certain food can make heartburn worse, obviously.

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