Marijuana or alcohol, which is worse?!

Question: Both (especially when used in excess) are bad although I feel as if marijuana is the lesser of 2 evils.

Alcohol can be highly physically addiction where as marijuana can be addicting but only psychologically which is way the lesser of 2 evils.

Also, alcohol can make people violent while marijuana makes you mellow. lol

As a prior poster said alcohol is legal, cheap, and socially acceptable. That in my mind makes it a bit worse. In the eyes of alot of people it is ah-ok to get drunk as a skunk and then the attitude is "well I don't do drugs". What they fail to understand that alcohol IS a drug and a very powerful one at that.

I think both are pretty ok in moderation. A joint with a friend and a few glasses of wine never hurt anyone. :)

Answers: Both (especially when used in excess) are bad although I feel as if marijuana is the lesser of 2 evils.

Alcohol can be highly physically addiction where as marijuana can be addicting but only psychologically which is way the lesser of 2 evils.

Also, alcohol can make people violent while marijuana makes you mellow. lol

As a prior poster said alcohol is legal, cheap, and socially acceptable. That in my mind makes it a bit worse. In the eyes of alot of people it is ah-ok to get drunk as a skunk and then the attitude is "well I don't do drugs". What they fail to understand that alcohol IS a drug and a very powerful one at that.

I think both are pretty ok in moderation. A joint with a friend and a few glasses of wine never hurt anyone. :)

They both have huge health risks. It don't matter. Don't do either one.

There both really bad but i believe Marijuana is ten times worse

Depends on the conditions, during a war marijuana is bad and alcohol is good.
Health wise alcohol is the most destructive and it kills. No body has ever died from a marijuana over dose.

I'd have to say alcohol is worse.. It impairs your vision and makes you do extremely stupid things that you usually dont remember.. But legally marijuana.

though i've never smoked, as far as i can tell, alcohol is worse for you, as an individual.

as a society, it's hard to say if alcohol would have more negative effects than marijuana, *IF* pot were legal. because pot is illegal, you are forced into having dealers and all that associated crime -- and the true criminals are dealing in much more than pot -- so this is a definitive negative. i don't know enough about the issue to say whether pot or alcohol is worse for the US society as a whole or not, but i can tell you alcohol can screw up your life more than pot can.

alcohol's's legal,socially acceptable,easy ta get addicted to, relatively inexpensive and easily attainable.
marijuana's not addictive and has medicinal properties.
if you're talkin' buzz-wise........i plead the fifth.

It's proven that Alcohol every now and then is good for you but not a lot it. Supposedly weed is bad for your lungs and gives you cancer, but cancer has NEVER been linked to it, so it's hard to say.

I always knew in the back of my mind that weed was pretty bad for you because one joint has the amount of tar that's equivalent to 20 cigarettes, but I'm not a drinker, in fact I have to smoke a joint to get cotton mouth just to get the nerve to drink and alcoholic beverage. It wasn't until recently I got sick and had an echo cardiogram performed on me, the tech was supposed to be looking at my heart but all he could comment on was how much damage my lungs had. He asked me if I was a smoker and I told him no, then I thought about it and told well I used to smoke weed, alot. He asked me when did I quit, I told him, " 3 weeks ago". He said there was a significant amount of damage to my lungs but since I was young it would heal but take a while. I can't say that alcohol is better or worse cause there are people out there that drink too much and get psoriasis of the liver. All I know that I started smoking weed when I was 15 and stopped at the age of 25 almost 26 and the tech told me that my lungs were damaged.

Well think about it; have you ever heard of anyone dying from an overdose of marijuana? Alcohol kills if you drink enough of it, and marijuana isn't lethal at all. Alcohol is obviously worse.

this answer will change depend on whom you ask, clearly there is no correct answer. because one is illegal and one is not, this does not make one worse than the other. it all depends on how you use them. therefore, under certain circumstances, marijuana can be worse (or more dangerous) than alcohol. in other situations, the opposite can also be true. first you must define whether for recreational use, or a full blown addiction/habit.

both are great.... in moderation...

Alcohol, as it can cause real liver damage and you can easily barf your guts out from drinking too much

its all bad

alcohol is much worse, even though if you do either of them a whole lot they are probably equally as bad. i am a college student and i know more people struggling with class from drinking problems than smoking pot. personally, if you are responsible with them and don't spend a lot of money on them and just do them every now and then....they ain't too bad. you should probably not do either of them but that's never going to happen. but pot is better for just every now and then and operating a car is much much better. trust me

Alcohol .Marijuana doesn't have a fatal dosage .Alcohol's is a BAC of .4
In simple English if a 150 lb kid consumed a one liter bottle of el-cheapo vodka over the period of an hour ,he would die
There are street drugs including heroin that can bring that much death for that cheap a price

Neither one can be "worse" because neither one is inherently bad. When consumed responsibly in moderation both can be perfectly safe and perhaps even argued to be health beneficial. What's really unhealthy is irresponsible behavior it's just that marijuana and alcohol make a great scape goat for people who make poor choices in general.

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