Do americans underage drink?!

Question: Where I stay the drinkin age is 18 and i even felt that i was responsible to drink before then so i did. But being 18 and being told your not alloud to drink? i can't understand how any 18 year old would listen to that.
Heaps of people tell me that people in the states do not underage drink and i find it hard to believe so teens only please answer

Answers: Where I stay the drinkin age is 18 and i even felt that i was responsible to drink before then so i did. But being 18 and being told your not alloud to drink? i can't understand how any 18 year old would listen to that.
Heaps of people tell me that people in the states do not underage drink and i find it hard to believe so teens only please answer

ya. where i come from, over half of my high school started drinking by the time we are 15.

I had my first drink when i was 19. but most of my friends were drinking long before that. I don't see what the big deal is. I've been to countries where you have to be old enough to be capable of ordering, and they didn't seem to have any problems.

The legal age is 21. I'm 19, but I drank a couple of drinks at a New Years Eve party but I generally don't.

No 18 year old listens to that, many are told no tot drink alcohol but very few listen. I didn't drink alcohol when I was a teenager, I didn't like the taste then and I'm not to fond of it now as a 25 year old adult. Don't listen to the people that tell you there is no underage drinking going on in the states, it's a lie they are telling you. Underage drinking is alive and well in the states.

many underage drink in the states they have ways to get the beer or kegs , I started drinking has a baby my dad would give sips of his beer plus rule in house you can have a beer but it stay in house but it never did we went to kegs or camp outs that many brought the beer or other liquors other was drinking . Fake Id are number one thing for kids to get so they can go to clubs . i started going to bars at 15 but as adult i can take it or leave it now .

In America it is illegal to drink if you are under 21.
Most teenagers do drink "illegally," for mainly two reasons, because they want to and feel they are responsible enough to do so or they are trying to be cool. Due to this law, alcohol has become some type of "forbidden fruit," and it causes a lot of stupid kids to think they're cool if they drink underage; and they usually end up causing accidents or getting busted by police or their parents.
I'm definitely for the age to be lowered to 18, but the government sees the trouble irresponsible jerks cause and doesn't believe the rest are mature enough.
Even though the law says you can't drink or buy it under 21, tons of kids can get alcohol from their parents, a friend or some one old enough to purchase it for them, then go drink somewhere.

hell yessss!!! i don't underage drink (dont care for it) but all of my friends do...

It's too fun not to... i'm 16 and i get served :P
but i'm in england so it's only up to 18.

In the United States no one under 21 is allowed to buy alcohol.

hahahahaha!!! most people I know started drinking around 15!

yes all the time.

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