Can cigars satisfy a cigarette craving?!


Can cigars satisfy a cigarette craving?

Just wondering.. i know that cigars aren't any better for you than cigarettes are, but i want to know if they can satisfy a cigarette craving.

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3 months ago
why not? they both have tobacco...

3 months ago
please don't try to convince me to not smoke. i do not smoke! i just want to know if smoking a cigar would satisfy a cigarette craving!

3 months ago
why not? they both have tobacco...

3 months ago
please don't try to convince me to not smoke. i do not smoke! i just want to know if smoking a cigar would satisfy a cigarette craving!

I think, yes because my husband stopped smoking four months ago and whenever he had craving for cigarette , he would smoke 1/4 of cigar and now he does not smoke at all. All the best!!

Not at all.... Cigars aren't really meant to be inhaled

They satisfied Monica Lewinski's craving.

try Quest, it has 3 levels of nicotene, right down to a kind that has none. A cigar has no nicotene and you may be more tempted to inhale which is worse than a cigarette with no nicotene. I've tried many times. no luck yet. Good Luck

And they can both give you cancer, lung and lip and tongue cancer, bladder cancer, kidney failure, stroke, and heart attack! How about dealing with that cigarette craving in a more healthy way? Chew gum, get the patch, eat rope licorice, drink water....not smoking anything is better than changing addictions.

Yes but are stronger than cigarette tobacco. Take short and controlled puffs. Better still, quit smoking altogether. You'll live longer, your sense of smell and taste will be returned to you. By the way, you have a large chance to contract mouth cancer if you smoke cigars.

Not really, it might help pospone you having a cig. Its kind like subbing juice for a coke. Its just not the same.

Not really. Half of the the addiction is the actual act of inhaling. You do not get the same sensation. Believe me, I am an ex-cigarette smoker. I now only smoke cigars and it does not scratch the same itch.

And that person who said that cigars have no nicotine is wrong. 100% wrong.

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