Am I an alcoholic if I like a drink 3 out of 7 nights/week?!

Question: So, my friends say I like to have a skinny B%$#* waaaayyyy too often. I like to have a drink -- okay a couple of drinks -- usually on Friday, Monday, and Wednesday evenings. I don't think that's excessive. But, what do you all say?

Answers: So, my friends say I like to have a skinny B%$#* waaaayyyy too often. I like to have a drink -- okay a couple of drinks -- usually on Friday, Monday, and Wednesday evenings. I don't think that's excessive. But, what do you all say?

There are support groups that define different "stages" of aclohol abuse and alcoholism, from mild abuse to severe alcoholic. Therefore, many people abuse alcohol and don't have any problem with it in their life.

The best advice, like others said, is that it is a "problem" when it has a negative effect on your life. Also, I'd say that asking yourself if you drink too much probably means that it has had some negative impact on you. Or maybe it just means you listen to people, which can be a good thing.

I wouldn't say you have a "problem" at this point, but if you adopt that attitude permanently, it can become a problem. Also, if you rarely or never binge drink, that makes a difference.

My personal belief is that alcohol is a toxin and therefore doesn't belong in the body, so any use is abuse. I still drink though.

That being said, I've known people who asked the same question and had no problem, and others who drank themselves into a hole.

I hope i didn't sound too negative - I'll raise a glass to you right now.

edit: i just wanted to add: somebody said your body will let you know when to slow down. I disagree with that. becoming an alcoholic means your body physically adapts to having alcohol in your system, and gets used to it. eventually, it depends on it. it takes a long time for that to happen but it does happen, and at that point your body keeps telling you to drink.

Tip: go watch "Leaving Las Vegas" with Nicolas Cage. it takes a long time to get to the point of his character, but it is a very insightful movie if you want to see the an artists illustration of a true alcoholic. I'm personally glad I'm not quite there yet.

edit 2: ok, now I feel I should be more specific, rather than just sound like someone on a rant. 5 years ago, I drank about as much as you, and now I drink 10 to 20 beers a day. that is actually not as bad as it could be, but it is a big difference that happened over time (and unemployment) I am 31 years old. Just FYI.

if ur worried, maybe u should be. cut it back on purpose. if u seem to not be able to do that. then there is a problem.

I would define alcoholism as drinking soo much it affects the rest of your life.
like you routinly cant get out of bed in the morning
or you are in trouble t work because of it.

someone else told me that hey define it as uncontrolable drinking. Asa in ...
did you ever goo out and drink more than you originaly intended to?
I think everyone who drinks would have to answer yes to that question sooner or later.

Interesting, because I drink about 3-4 times a week... not drunk, but a good buzz. If you can go more than 30 days without drinking, you're fine... if it's become a part of your after-work or lifestyle... it maybe become alcoholism. LoL

if you get to the point where you drink, because you need to enjoy yourself, then no, but if you are at a point that you need to drink in order to feel better(mentally, emotionally, to realx, and any other way), then yes(in my opinion), if you just drink because you like the way it tastes, which could be kind of weird, then no.

For one thing, that's far from an alchoholic. It's more of a ritual thing for you. Alchoholics drink pretty much everyday. I know, because I am one. The other answer i read that said you should cut it out one day and see how you do, they are right. If it's all you think about and you feel like you can't go on, maybe you are an alchy, but only a habitual one. My advice. Get out of that habit. Drink only on special occasions. And I mean "special" occasions. Cuz you could end up like me. I drink pretty much every day. Part of it is my job and kids, and so forth. But, I need to get out of this cycle. I want to, i just can't. That's an alchoholic. I hope i helped.

i dont think so ur young and having fun, if it were messing up other parts of ur life or if u couldnt do stuff without it then u might have a problem. my friends and i have a schedule- tuesdays bar, thursdays club, fridays boston pizza, saturdays wildcard

and our lives are still sorta normal

are you missing work because of drinking?
are you hungover all day?
there truly is a fine line here...only you can really make the call.
go to this web page-
click on is AA for you? tab...nothing to lose, private.
good luck

first of all how old are u? it really depends on the asshole therapist who is making money off of your probation

I've asked a lot of people this Friends, Family, Doctors, Psychologists but they all seem to say an alcoholic wants to be drunk all the time. For years I was drunk three times a week in the past few months I've got drunk once a week and had a couple of drinks here and there other times. Your body will let you know when to slow down.

Of course you are not. But i think you have psychological problems if you feel guilty for your pleasure. Do what you like,you live once and life is sort,it's silly to punish your self with all those modern freaky health/junkie ideas.
Drinking is good if you really like it
Smoking is good if you really like it
Eating junk food is good if you really like it....

The only tragedy in life is to live under other peoples orders and never think on your own what is right and what is wrong.

if you are not drinking to get drunk all those nights then you don't have a problem.

If you have to ask, then you probably are an alcoholic.
Alcoholism can not be judged by how frequently you have an alcoholic beverage.
The question to ask yourself is: Why do I drink?

it coold be wors i drik ever day

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