Anyone got the daddy of hangovers?!


Anyone got the daddy of hangovers?

You know the one I mean - can't eat, can't sleep, can't drink, can't do anything. What are you going to do for the rest of day?

Lots of fluids like Gatorade and greasy foods helps me.

get back on it you fanny

only that bad once got to a party late and was encouraged to "catch up". could not do any work the next day (nobody noticed) did a bit of work the day after and it gradually got better each day but it took a week before the headache finally went away

I did yesterday. I didn't realise that the Baker's Bourbon I was drinking so freely on Friday night was 107 proof!

I just stayed in bed. What else can you do except suffer through it? Rest is the only way to get through it.

Ahh!! Captain Morgan's revenge!!
I never got hangovers in my drinking days because I would drink as much water as i could stand after a night of boozing.The headache is actually dehydration, as alchohol robs the body of fluids.
These days i don't drink because i'm tired of the foggy feeling that takes longer and longer to go away.

Had the daddy of hangovers yesterday. Got up had half pint of orange juice and 2 paracetamol, slept more, drank loads of water, then had a lovely big fry up. Still felt rubbish so slept more, then had Macdonalds. Then I felt better.

Bananas - Sugar in the form of fructose, and potassium, which is one of the things you lose lots of when you drink. Bananas are also a natural antacid to help with the nausea, and are high in magnesium which can help relax those pounding blood vessels causing that hangover headache. For a variety of reasons try a peanut butter, honey and banana sandwich on white bread.

Check this out

cant tell you how to get rid of it but i can tell you how to ever prevent getting one again.... chaser. available at most convenience stores and it really does work no ifs ands or buts!!!!!!!! take it as directed and you will never have another hangover. chaser. i dont work for em i just use em.

yep i have coz i was still drinkin at 7 this mornin so im goin pub in a min, hair of the dog!

Water, drink lots of water. An aspirin or two might help.

a bloody mary works like a charm.. tomato juice, vodca and tobasco

I'll try and talk softly, YOU GOT A HANGOVER CUZ YA STOPPED DRINKIN, sorry. Take it from an old bender, chew a beer down, after the first one it'll get better. I'll bet you can function better with a little buzz then with that throbbing in your head. Come out of it easy, by stopping you shocked your system, cut it back easy. Get you a 12er and kick back you'll be just fine.

Try to gag down a bloody Mary, for real, it really does help. Try a beer with tomato juice in it. Smoking a little weed helps too.

drink fresh Orange juice and lemon aid as this pushes the orange through the blood stream and take it with 2 paracetamols. go back to bed and when you wake up have some toast or greasy bacon and eggs. good luck

drink another beer

I don't have one now, but when I've had the displeasure, I usually treat mine with Alka Seltzer over ice, sip it, take two asprin & go back to bed, or lay down on the couch with a wet rag and watch tv. Bless your heart...I sure hope you start to feel better soon darlin. Let us hear from you. I know how bad this can be.

OMG did yesterday the only thing that helps is having a bath and then watching tv with one eye while the other one sleeps thats what i did. you cant be that bad if ur on the computer i couldnt even look at mine yesterday lol

....have a couple of drinks and some tranks


Two drinks do this to me. Madeira and Jack Daniels. With Madeira I said never again but I liked Jack Daniels so gave it a second chance. The hangover was so bad that I spent all day in bed but kept thinking that the bed was too high and tried sleeping on the floor. after a few minutes I had to climb back into bed. The cycle repeated itself a few times. I think I finally crawled out of my pit in the early evening and went down the pub.

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